First 5v5 thread

way to eraly to guess what the meta is. I did get baron in my BR and the global ulti was worth his nerfs. honestly he didnt feel weak to me.

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Are you talking about alpha 5v5?

Well I just played my first two matches on live. Whooooo its a different experience and right now I am feeling like the one eyed man in the valley of the blind (managed to win a 4v5 vs VG tier opponents despite our 5th player afking from the start).

Still deeply fun.

Played top lane Samuel in my first match and managed to out trade a WP Vox who was a former guildmate. Basically used split pushing tactics to win that one. The 4v5 I was roaming on Flicker with a guildmate so I switched to SpellSword Flicker - it was very dicey once we ended up at the team fight stage, but we managed to race to their base while they took Ghostwing and we downed their Vain before they could kill us all.


It’s super fun. Still trying to get used to the map being on the left side, but I know it’d be in the way if I put it on the right. Also an annoying bug; I sometimes start the match without heal pot nor scout cams.

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Reading all this positivity is awesome. Getting excited to play, bummed I’ll have to miss out when so many are getting their first look. Guess I wont be getting any “starred posts” anytime soon : P

What you guys buy as first item for captain I went sgb first

It’s very enjoyable, but currently it’s bogged down by tons of issues such as getting into a match, short freezes and junglers who have no idea what they’re doing.
So it’s basically 3v3.

I’ve found it a lot of fun, even with instalockers and noobs. SAW bot lane has been amazing, just had a clutch game with RoyalSerperior where we had a Vox backdoor us as we pushed for the win, but we managed to kill both him and a huge minion wave. So far, it’s been a 100% win rate, with one game where the vox got so tilted he started throwing :). CP Vox seems viable now, still not overpowered, which is gud. Props to Niv. Taking WP buff as bot lane really helps, as well as invading as SAW. Not sure why teleport boots are a thing… they seem extremely bad as an item because you lose the ability to disengage and engage as you would with journey boots or literally any other boots.

:vgcheersx3:Lost another game rip my lance afked and saw afked after we could win 3v5:vgcheersx3:

I hope i can play. I dont have ticket

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Me too mein, me too. Just have to wait for update 3.0 before going back to vg

And here i am
Waiting for 2 more weeks

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It’s really fun. I’m clueless and useless, not only because it’s my first time playing the 5v5 format but also because I’m picking up the game after a very long break.
Getting matched with people from high PoA-VG (even had a VG gold) doesn’t help either.
I have no idea where the jungle camps are, and I think that in all the matches we played me and my team were very uncoordinated. Enemies were doing sneaky captures of Ghostwing while we were trying to figure out the thing, basically.

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As common a joke as it is, assuming positive intent is key in 5v5 - because yeah we basically at this stage are all scrubs trying to figure it out.


And this has honestly refreshed the love of the game. Feels good to be one of ten rookies.


Had my first proper game (did a few bot matches first), it’s so much fun. I haven’t clue what’s going on. Won my first game even though our whole team went cp

Honestly i’m quite happy with 5v5
In my first match, I was quite overwhelmed with the sheer amount of new features with the in-game ui.
Although some things feel zoomed out, which is kind of a nuisance.
Like the buy button in the shop is dang small.
After a few matches im quite used to the ui now tho.
As for the ui outside the actual game, I don’t really like it too much.
But I really like the new and colourful mode select screen.

My main role is captain and that is why I still miss that Contraption especialy the Flare on this 5v5.

I have played 4 games, but I had no teamfights at all! It was allways 3v2 or 3v3. Cause it takes time for all the players to gather at the same place, when I come half of my team is already dead.
Also I don’t really like new angles of camera.
UI sucks, it’s much more comlicated than previous.

Waiting for two more weeks gang lol