Fighting against L3oN

Bob - do you look KDA wish you could take that post back now? :shushing_face:

Ps - sure you know why he’s annoyed, no fun getting smacked about by a better player. Having said that blackkennny is VG, he is on my friend list, played with him a couple of times.

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They’re arguing about someone supposedly using a smurf account in ranked games, which is against the ToS. From what I’ve gathered, half of them are saying it’s ruining matches for others, the other half are alright with it because the smurf rank wasn’t far enough off to be harmful (?).

Or maybe I have no idea what I’m talking about as usual :sweat_smile:

It’s kinda shitty if you’re on the receiving end. I’ve played vs pro players before and it’s usually a horrible experience getting blown up constantly.


Yeah I’ve played against and with blackkenny many times from main. He’s the same rank so how is he not smurfing if I am? (and I’m not) My point was KDA from one game can’t decide who’s good and who’s bad. Everyone has good and bad days. As I said I know it’s not allowed but I’m playing to have fun and I have no alternatives. I have smurfs much lower and this one was as close as possible. I can actually give proof that it was VG last season if needed.

Bruh. Him having double damage double kda doesn’t always mean he is smurfing it also means the enemy is just bad at the game. And if you say result you will be sure smurfing or not fountain ozo is bound to lose that game no matter who is in the enemy. Even you can win against a fountain ozo.

I have matched against Leon hundor and other pro players aswell and have been destroyed. But I am not complaining about it cause in the end i am only learning more and getting better at the game. Sometimes it’s not always about fun.

I know man it’s just a bit shitty when you’re on the receiving end of a hiding… especially when it costs a bucket of elo you d ground out over a couple of hours.

So if the flicker wasn’t smurfing why is your kda still as bad as the smurf game?

Except the fact bobmax clearly stated using another player who quits account to play with a lower tiered friend

Yeah it happens it’s the nature of this game.

Dude all I’m saying is someone whose VG silver is going to own people at poa bronze, thats not debatable. If your on the receiving end it’s pretty shitty… which is why he’s probably salty about it.


Yeah he played on his smurf to play with a friend who was t8 because he can’t physically play with him on his main. The casual match is really bad and rank is the only place to have competition and fun. Now some may call it boosting but boosting only happens when you help a bad player to higher ranks intentionally but seeing through there history in vgpro they both rarely play with each other. Usually dark plays solo and has no problem climbing alone. I mean if I had a enemy ozo who build fountain I would have won easily even with t6 mechanics

When did I state that? He isn’t low tier he was inactive as well. I’ll get you a trophy proof if you don’t believe I wasn’t boosting lol.

He is currently lower tier than you yes or no? You stated you couldnt play due to that doesn’t matter the reason he is down as you can clearly see his skills are not the same as yours as you wrecked them he was at a normal kda

Poa silver and I have been in poa silver for a long time and ik they are pretty skilled to not get owned by a vg bronze* 5v5 player( Bob has never reached silver in 5v5)

So you judge who’s better on that one game KDAs? Okay give me a minute to scroll through your games find one you did really bad in and call you bad. Is that okay? Of course not.

Dude why did you come online? Stop bashing me for no reason…

My 5v5 Ozo…

I was getting blown up by a no defense Idris just like the rest of the team. My problem was that my allies retreated once the front line engaged.

So Fountain over Aegis…

I’m POA silver / gold, when I play VG silver I know it, the aggresssion is relentless, super sweaty. bob would blow me up I’m sure…

And he has a point no need to abuse his build, don’t kick him when he is down :crazy_face:

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I did not say he did bad he had a decent kda but the point is if you both are at the same level the kda would be a lot more similar not one person with a high kda but 2 with high to mid kda

You were getting melted by a cp idris and you decide to buy fountain. Poa silver… You should at least know aegis is the best defence against cp