Event reward?

Its april 2. 5pm pst+ shouldnt the event be over already? wer my skeen

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Well you see there was a bug the event wasn’t to be released until next year

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huh wot
theres a limit to jokes too :stuck_out_tongue:

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who won?

if it wasn’t team petal the event will continue until she is in the lead


kestrel won ofc. I m sure they’ll give everyone kestrel rares.

Kestrel won and I’m on her team but I already own Kyudo Kestrel so if I don’t get my legendary blue print I’m gonna riot.

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As in switch to LOL or break SEMC?

Nice. The event never loaded on my device, ever, no matter what I did. This included reinstalling the app, logging out, using a different device, etc. Now I found out it’s over. Gotta say for the first time I’m pretty upset with Vainglory, though I can’t say this is the fault of anything on the side of VG and SEMC, I don’t understand how this was an issue on my side, either.


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Maybe you should have contacted support? That usually helps.

+1 … one of the bright spots with SEMC is support, which is run by the seemingly indefatigable Silje Mølnå. She and her team are pretty much superheroes in my book.

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Too bad they haven’t figured out how to make the devs properly do their jobs XD

There are internal politics and issues even Silje can’t solve, unfortunately.

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Should we all chip in for an electro whip for her?

We must share different experiences with support, then. It’s fine, though, as easily as it frustrated me the care also went away. I don’t even know where I stand with VG anymore.

I’m team BF so I don’t care anyway :frowning:

You mean this event?

I have to say this is a very neat reward

RIP me. I used my 750 essence for Horus Idris though, so not complete loss

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Not like you can play her ever… Highest banrate… She never survives 4 bans unless there is a numbskull banning joule…

Actually, a few matches ago she dropped all the way to me… in the 7th spot in draft…

Talk about surprise

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