Dragalia Lost: Discussion and Summon Cheers

Ive burnt myself by playing Dragalia in rapid succession everyday but Imma start playing again. This event I cant possibly miss (totally because I didn’t miss the FEH event and dont regret it.)

Sweet mother of the…

Time to sign my life away to the gatcha gods


Rip my Christmas funds

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Pulled for G!Eli.


The Megaman event barely started I already finished most of it already lol. Bought everything outside of the last copy of one print, the statboosting gems, and the champions testaments, maxed out Megaman, and finished the endeavors that can be done until the master stages are released. It’s certainly better than I expected, even if the wyrmite rewards are really low, Megaman is really fun to use.
I’ve done 3 multis outside of the free ones so far for Elly and all I’ve gotten were an Euden dupe and Akasha. I kinda wanted Akasha bc waifu, so it’s not too bad I guess.

Finally got Megaman and Idk what to say.

Hes fun and everything but his abilities are a little difficult to use in the current competitive side of DL. So he’s probably a casual character.

Other than that, I love the event and can’t wait to complete it!

Did a random meme single on the new banner and oh

Wish I had this kind of luck on the gala banner but I won’t complain

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The new Christmas banner stuff doesn’t interest me too much this year. I’m not too big on Axe units and Malora has a little bit of anti-synergy with my my Gala Euden light core due to her own shields. I’m still planning on pulling to try and finally get Cleo after all the prints I got last year.

also I do like how Phoenix makes one of the leaks possibly believable now

Im dodging this banner as well. I have way to many axe users and already have Julietta as a light axe.

I also should have been saving my wrym thingys but I spent it all out on the current banner so rip future banners.

Although for FEH, I have a 100 orb pool.

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Christmas banner is gone and another year without Cleo, rip me and my savings for her. Got 3 Jeannes (which certainly helped to clear the nightmare stage of the event and allowed me to fully unbind the one I got last year) and 2 Pheonixes, but no 5* characters at all.
On another note, seeing that the monster hunter collab leak was right is really nice. I’m definitely gonna grind out to max out Rathalos.

Just saw the monthly update and rip my savings for the valentines banner, I have to go all in on the monster hunter banner for Rath armor berserker, even tho we have literally no info on him outside of his unique CA. Good thing the NY tickets gave me a huge reserve of 37 single tickets.

RATHALOS BERSERKER LOOKS GLORIOUS. I currently have around 60 summons worth of tickets saved up for him and I’m absolutely willing to dip into my backup wyrmite stash from the very hard story and some adventure stories. I would’ve had more for him but it was necessary to go in for Kirsty, who I luckily got without wasting too much of my savings, bc she’s without a doubt my favorite Dragalia waifu so far.

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Hmmm I havent been playing for a month or two now… But the Unit looks amazing. I love the art style!

Are they going to have more units for the collab?

There is a mention in the tweet that there will be more, but seems likely that it’s (hopefully for making Berserker easier to pull without any other 5* focus shares) 4*s considering it’s the first mention that there actually are more characters in the MH banner and they made a pretty big deal out of Berserker partially due to him having unique mechanics. Outside of the banner, Rathalos itself will be the free dragon from the event. There’s no other news about either of them gameplay-wise, nor the rest of the MH collab, yet. It’s release date is up in the air as well considering they could either drop the next Gala or the MH event after the current banners end on the 23rd.

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The new update is going to be extremely nice. The significantly lowered skill cap for the HDTs from the free revives and doubled time limit is definitely gonna make me want to actually grind them out this time around.

Oh no I thought my MH stashes were safe but they decided to drop the gala.

Also I’m really happy about this round Mana circle buffs seeing as 2 for them (Lathna and Delphi) are core on my dark team so even more power for it is greatly appreciated. MH collab trailer coming tomorrow as well and Rathalos looks neat bc how it’s as huge as bosses lol

Haven’t discussed Dragalia like you guys nor played much either since launch but I wanted to say thanks to @DIMTI’s profile pic (lol what a reason) I got back into dragalia and really liking it, really your profile pic really got me to get into this before the mh event(big mh fan) cuz of how cool that character looks, sadly I didn’t get her instead I got the guy and dragon so still good pulls.


Aw sucks to hear you didn’t get Kirsty. As I mentioned in one of my previous posts, I went pretty hard on her banner using my MH funds to get her and if me changing my in-game nickname, guild name, and various pfps to show support for her shows anything, I don’t regret it in the slightest bit. Really love her in multiple ways. Her whole military aesthetic design and character are really great imo and she’s easily my most favorite character to play as despite her high skill cap.


She really does have a great design, can see why you really like the character, and I at least still got Joachim and garland as well as in the mh event fatalis in a few tries. Again thanks to you I’m liking dragalia lost

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No problem for hooking you back in with the waifu lol. I’ve done ~150 summons on the MH banner myself to try for Berserker, but no luck yet. I did get Vanessa and a Fatalis which I’m happy with regardless if I won’t use them that much.

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