Draft for all in 5v5!

Its late, I’m tired, I’m working for most of 2 days straight, and I want to forestall some of the silly “reasons” I see some people drop. So I’m going to sound a little grumpy.

There is no reason to not let people all have draft, now that chatboxes are up. The the games of 5v5 ranked I played all either had radio silence or actual productive discussion. Nobody I have seen so far had an issue with ranked mode, even with the 2 bans. I include people who started out unranked. I’m not talking about smurfs. I mean genuine newbies.

The draft mode feels more intuitive though I wish there was a way to upvote and downvote heroes (if there is I haven’t found it yet. I didn’t watch the video).

Its ridiculous to expect people to start making good picks and counterpicks right away. Just as stupid as it would be to assume newbies know the correct build path or the “meta” picks or the optimal way to play a team composition. Actually, I’ve seen plenty of T10s by this point that got large sections of this stuff wrong TOO. So no, “bad picks” is literally a moot reason to keep draft from people.

You won’t get good counterpicks at all until high tiers have actually figured out the game, not this mess we have now. Giving draft to the others A. improves the game’s consistency, B. helps them figure out what they are doing from earlier in their gaming career, and C. lets people who actually know try to counterpick in low and mid tiers, rather than going into it blind.

Go on, try me. I’d like to see a thought out reason to take away draft for the SECOND TIME beyond “low tiers are dumb/don’t play like high tiers”. :slight_smile:


actually, the reason they took draft away from the lower tiers was them not playing ranked draft.

i asume part of that reason was that the 3v3 draft interface is bad.

Speed a dollar on the event. You get like 3k glory off the bat, with the bonus payouts. That can get like two heroes right away, and probably more with the other payouts.