It has to be a different system for ability targeting/AA, right? I can’t imagine it’s exactly the same, since they do different things. You’re right though, it is a tricky one.
Orrrrrrrrrrrrrr nerf krul saw Gwen idris
That’s why I suggested the screen black out, or fog of war covering everything, but heroes would still be be able to be targeted, for the duration of the disable, say 1 second.
So your normal viewing circle would be overtaken by fog of war… But allows hero sight.
the answer to the title is yes.
the comment for the op is well thought out and nicely written.
comments for the comments are it would definitely not be op. have you played reza vs cath? if you are somehow hit with her ult you have no way to deal damage. he needs aftershocka nd firestarter both of which require his abilties. now imagine SAW unable to basic attack he can still get a speed boost and deal a huge slow with some damage. this is in my opinion fair.
(also check Oggtrudie the Ice Troll for some disables in abilities. except a lot more op)