Do we need a 'disable' in Vainglory?

I play a tonn of Wp… and the thought of being shut down with such an item ability or a actual hero ability doesn’t scare me. I support it.

it would probably balance the game. it’s still going to be an activable item, meaning timing it right and will also have a CD… and a duration… so it’s not going to be a game breaker.

I don’t know how it would fit in though. a T3 item?

No we don’t need a disable. Atlas is sufficient. MJ needs a small buff to deal with crit carries. Bonesaw needs 5-10 more damage.

Right now AoE mages are the highest damage carries. What we need is an Energy Burn hero or item.

I posted a hero build that does that: Hero Kit Design: Yugana - Bo Master

Idk about atlas being sufficient. It doesn’t handle groups of enemies who aren’t clustered well, as well as ranged WP heroes, who also usually make use of cp abilities. A long cd disable would handle those enemies appropriately and still be fair.

the way to access it will either have to be something like Cath’s ult (hero ability) or a t3 item (either utility or defense)

In case you were wondering, I was thinking it would be through hero kits.

ok, so the hero ability would “disable” Auto Attack… and still leave Abilities open for use? seems abit underwhelming…

but if it disables both… then it’s abit OP… a silence and a blind… how is it going to be balanced?

it can’t be a perk … that would just be OP.

It would have to be a very short duration… maybe 1.5 seconds? and a long CD… Also, the enemy would really need to be “blinded”… due to the way AutoAttacks are inputted by touch screen, the entire screen would need to be blanked out… causing possible movement problems…

Hmm… this is possibly the reason why this has not been implemented… touch screen…

I could see it working as a perk if it runs on a rng system with 1/100 or something chance for 1 or 2 seconds

I wonder if SEMC have conversations like this…

I guess it could work… alot of fine tuning needed… but its not impossible.

Its pretty much the opposite of Tony’s B… they would cancel each other out

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some “dim vision” effect (vision=4m) could nerf the problematic wp crit sniper without shut melee char down.

or confusion (all heroes image either friends or foe changes to captain minion’s)

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Good luck with Atlas versus enemies building raw damage.

Gwen TB SSw TM TM. Have fun with Atlas…

I do want your energy burn hero though.

I think if, like Pink said, it would be a hero ability, it would be just like Cath’s ult silence. And as for the screen thing, enemies could just be untargetable for that short time. Or you could target enemies, but it wouldn’t do anything, you’d just move towards them. The screen blanking out would be very problematic because then you can’t see where you’re moving, your abilities, or your health/energy.

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I could see the screen darkening or going into a negative filter working

everyone with seizures thanks you for your imput. you’re paying the medical bills though.

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I meant instead of flashing, but most with seizures that have not had them controlled should avoid vg anyways ults like Skye’s can be flashy

I was kidding. partially. stuff like bright flashes of color (negative color flash) or darkening/brightening the entire screen hurts my eyes, and I imagine a lot of other people would have similar gripes.

But you would still need to be able to use abilities, which some of them are targeted. It’s a tricky one.

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It has to be a different system for ability targeting/AA, right? I can’t imagine it’s exactly the same, since they do different things. You’re right though, it is a tricky one.

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Orrrrrrrrrrrrrr nerf krul saw Gwen idris

That’s why I suggested the screen black out, or fog of war covering everything, but heroes would still be be able to be targeted, for the duration of the disable, say 1 second.

So your normal viewing circle would be overtaken by fog of war… But allows hero sight.

the answer to the title is yes.

the comment for the op is well thought out and nicely written.

comments for the comments are it would definitely not be op. have you played reza vs cath? if you are somehow hit with her ult you have no way to deal damage. he needs aftershocka nd firestarter both of which require his abilties. now imagine SAW unable to basic attack he can still get a speed boost and deal a huge slow with some damage. this is in my opinion fair.

(also check Oggtrudie the Ice Troll for some disables in abilities. except a lot more op)

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