Decided to play after months of not - tf has happened

I’m yet to see that, his damage is shit, he is like a krul, and tanky? I’ve 3 shot him with baron quite a few times. He can’t stack BP as easily, he is far easier to pressure than baron, has less space to manouver through the battlefield, making him easier to shut down.

What do you mean stacks BP slow? He stacks it in no time. And he shouldn’t have any problems against a Baron by himself.

True, if the Baron is anywhere lower than T6 maybe. A good Baron can and will rip Kensei a new one.


Late game is about team fights, where baron win against him easily. I mean, this is my experience, but I’m yet to see a kensei doing something. When I hit him for ~800 damage per AA their is not much he can do (even with metal jacket).

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And that goes both ways. Would Kensei just AFK? He IS a late game hero.

Kensei is a team fighter himself.

Yes, in a mode where he can’t change the Bp easily, where he is easily shut down and where he has small spaces to manouver. The thing of Baron vs Kensei is that kensei can’t pass through most walls, while baron is almost free of doing what he wants in that map. Once kensei wastes his ult he can’t chase baron.

The only way that could actually happen is if Baron didn’t have his jump. Kensei can’t catch up to him. Again, any self-respecting Baron will be good enough to be able to keep enough distance to blow Kensei up in a few shots.

A late game hero that it’s easier to snowball than Baron and that gets outscaled.

@Guest_78 @thace As you both said the same thing I’ll do it this way. Kensei can not catch up to Baron? The same Kensei who has 3 low CD dashes and 1 afterburn range (more) dash we talking about? Kensei has 2 abilities that go through walls though not 0. Does Baron do more damage lategame? Sure he does. Doesn’t mean Kensei is bad though. And snowballing him isn’t easier than Baron.

Baron isn’t slow though even without boots. If the Baron can plan ahead and has any kind of awareness he shouldn’t have a problem. If he gets jumped on or Kensei gets close to him alone then chances are he’s done, but Baron shouldn’t even give him that chance.

But is that fictional Kensei AFK? Why wouldn’t he be on him?

For passing through walls he needs to:

  • use his ult
  • B+A
    So he realistically has 2 dashes to go through it, only one of them compared to Baron’s Jump Jets.

I’m not saying he is bad, he is meh, not top tier but not weak at all, I just find it interesting that you put Kensei and omitted Baron like if he was bad. Maybe it’s not easier to snowball kensei, but they are equally easy to snowball, with the difference that in 3v3 Baron heavily outscales Kensei. Also, saying kensei beats Baron late game is just false, both in 1v1 and in teamfight baron wipes the floor with kensei, just because he isn’t that strong as in 5v5. Even if kensei has metal jacket baron will be dealing him ~800 damage per AA, while kensei will be dealing at best 250. Baron also changes way faster the BP, and for reaching him Kensei still needs to cover 7.4 range with a team protecting him, so unless he uses dashes it becomes quite hard to do without being destroyed. But wait, once you’ve reached him you then have to chase him against through walls thanks to his JJ, and then kill him, which unless he is shit or has been snowballed hard, something difficult to do using another late game hero, it becomes near impossible for kensei. Again, I’m not saying kensei is bad by any means, he is strong, I just don’t understand why you put him and didn’t mentioned baron when he is stronger than kensei in this mode in almost every possible scenario.

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Kensei in 3v3 is the worst Laner lol, even in jungle is pretty weak

I didn’t put Baron because I never see him. Not at all contested or picked. But with how strong Koshka is and EU inability to see it she’s always open and top pick for me. I didn’t have much trouble with him when he was broken and now his single target damage wasn’t buffed only aoe. Also husk is now a thing which is even worse for him. I am not saying he’s bad but I’d rather have enemy Baron than teammate personally.

In my experience is quite the opposite, playing him I never have problems with any hero… except reza early-mid game and CP Vox before the nerfs. Other than that I usually just destroy everyone. Also, SH benefits him more than his enemies.

How come? He would have no block then. Not saying it is bad but in some games he would need a block while enemy team can always get it against him. Also Aegis protects him from Reza Vox etc.

His B is a reflex block. Build SH and you have defence against both types of damage, plus also prevents anyone from bursting you, and if you don’t burst a baron… he destroys everyone.

I meant things like Cath stun, Koshka stun, Gwen stun etc. That’s not really viable to dodge only with B unless you’re some untouchable god.

Yes they are… it’s not that hard, instead of a reflex block, it’s an ability…