
All the hype is for something that has a Reza LE skin as a reward, not for the reward.

not gonna hype myself again for another origind idris case

From what I’ve noticed SEMC never puts the 10000 Glory events consecutively. There’s always one event between them or just a very long time of no events (this one might be untrue). I doubt they’ll make an LE skin for a really popular hero hard to get. I’ve noticed LE skins having more of a time stamp rather than a skill stamp. Getting from t4 to t6 should take at least a season as long as you play 2-3 games everyday and learn from them. Then again i could just be hyping myself up…

Kraken just said “what could it be?” so it has to be something new

Lol at all these people saying that VG is dying because of how many skins they’re pumping out and SEMC trying to make money. I mean, how dare a company that gives you a FREE game with no necessity to put in money to get ANY advantage over other players in game try to make money right?


I just want to add to this that I saw a tweet from Kraken saying he wished it was Wednesday, because he cant wait for it. Ill try to find the tweet again as it didnt save. But speculating, looks like whatever is coming is most likely tomorrow.


My bad! It was Krul who said this, not Kraken. The tweet has the same flowers everyone else has been posting too.

Check out @KrulTommy’s Tweet: https://twitter.com/KrulTommy/status/1021776405330153472?s=09

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has the flowers so he could be hinting at it. my hope is that its VG time and not my actual EST time. Because like a new VG day begins at 5pm PDT/8pm EST. I really don’t feel like waiting another day…

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Very strange. I wonder if they’re doing an early update?

If they’re it’s gonna be really small and feel insignificant.

No one is saying VG is dying because of skins. Everyone is saying VG is dying because it is, players are leaving the game.


Sad, but I believe it’s true also, as the available evidence points to a shrinking player base. These events and skins and such are about a year too late, I’m afraid.

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Well I’m still optimistic. If they’re excited about it I will be too. Who knows, maybe it actually will be something really cool to give a big boost to the game.


Fingers crossed that you’re right! :crossed_fingers:t2:


those flowers remind me of murgle…

i hope that they make some flowery map :kissing_cat: maybe a summer party one since murgle is a water lily and they bloom in summer

Only problem is they let go their brilliant map designer (EvilOnTheInside aka Tracey King) … :sob:


talking about boy bands?
it must be like the “fan art” competition and the Cosplay one.

70 votes and 16 comments so far on Reddit

This “banter” strikes me as very forced.


:vg_caution::vg_caution:You can tell they force it when they have that dumb dumb flower emoji after they say whatever they need to smh smh. :white_flower: :white_flower: :white_flower: :opaf::opaf::okx99::okx99::bacon_tears::bacon_tears:

so there is this:

some people think it is a new spring map (i don’t play 5v5 so i cannot confirm this) other people are discussing the star of david on the spawn place
(The Star of David, known in Hebrew as the Shield of David or Magen David, is a generally recognized symbol of modern Jewish identity and Judaism. Its shape is that of a hexagram, the compound of two equilateral triangles)

i don’t know what to think anymore

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mass confusion ending in a very normal outcome. i still think it’ll be a normal event to win a skin.