Cutest. Dragon. Ever. It’s the Legendary ‘Rainbow’ Skaarf!

so, as a player who really love skaarf (based on forum names and the profile picture XD), do you think that this skin is the best skaarf skin ever? I love the color effects especially the ultimate burst color changing!!! :slight_smile:

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He’d probably enslave everyone and will make it so that dragons will conquer the world. Seems realistic, I mean, Skaarf isn’t an idiot, he’s clearly smart, judging by him using something as complex as oil as a weapon.

oh okay.


Next season, I think. From the Update Notes:

Players who fill their Sundials (and own a Battle Pass) will earn the super exclusive and extra adorable Special Edition ‘Rainbow Bengal’ Skaarf skin!

It’s kinda off topic, but was a skaarf dragon ever shown as an adult? I only saw a picture of an eye and it was very scaly and badass… Gimme de full body shot

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skaarf isnt a line of dragons, it’s a title for the dragons adagio releases every thousand years.

But In the lore he gets called a dragon :thinking:

i meant it’s not basically a family line, it’s different kinds of dragons, all just called skaarf because it brings destruction everytime

Oh, I didn’t know that. Thanks for pointing that out

Doubt it. I think it will be part of Battle Pass lvl50 reward.

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I don’t think they’d pass up the opportunity to sell these for $$$ as well. I’d expect it to be given as a reward but also to be available for direct purchase at some point.


This turned from appreciation to bashing smec pretty fast. I like that

What? Who’s bashing SEMC? :wutx3:


No one, I just misread something

There is a reason why there’s 3 of them :wink:

“Gotta collect em all” -skin collectors


it will most definitely be purchasbel elswhere because it is se. they said ALL se skins will be available for opals and so far have been true to this word :kissing_cat:

yeah we get it as a lvl 50 sunlight reward.