Hello Forums!
After the successful 4.2 community tier list, I, like the responsible adult and forum moderator I am, promptly dropped the ball for 4.3 and 4.4… whoops. Let’s try this again for 4.5!
It’s been a week since the update came out, so it’s time to start thinking about your votes. We’ll keep the polls open for a little bit, then we’ll close them and see what we all thought. Will Yates be the most popular community captain pick again? Is Gwen still the go-to Bot Lane pick? WHO KNOWS??!!! omg, the excitement!
Like last time, it doesn’t matter what tier you are, or how qualified you feel - just pick your top five choices for each role!
And feel free to chat about your picks in this thread!
Happy Voting!
Community Tier List - UPDATE 4.5
- Adagio
- Ardan
- Catherine
- Churnwalker
- Flicker
- Fortress
- Grace
- Grumpjaw
- Lance
- Lorelai
- Lyra
- Phinn
- San Feng
- Tony
- Yates
- Alpha
- Anka
- Baptiste
- Blackfeather
- Churnwalker
- Flicker
- Fortress
- Glaive
- Grumpjaw
- Idris
- Inara
- Joule
- Kensei
- Koshka
- Krul
- Lance
- Leo
- Malene
- Miho
- Ozo
- Petal
- Reim
- Reza
- Rona
- San Feng
- Taka
- Tony
- Warhawk
- Ylva
- Adagio
- Alpha
- Anka
- Ardan
- Baptiste
- Blackfeather
- Catherine
- Flicker
- Grace
- Grumpjaw
- Idris
- Joule
- Kensei
- Lance
- Leo
- Lorelai
- Lyra
- Malene
- Miho
- Reza
- Rona
- San Feng
- Skaarf
- Skye
- Tony
- Vox
- Warhawk
- Yates
- Ylva
- Adagio
- Anka
- Baron
- Caine
- Celeste
- Gwen
- Kestrel
- Kinetic
- Leo
- Lorelai
- Lyra
- Magnus
- Malene
- Miho
- Samuel
- San Feng
- Skaarf
- Skye
- Varya
- Vox
- Warhawk
- Adagio
- Alpha
- Baron
- Blackfeather
- Caine
- Glaive
- Gwen
- Idris
- Joule
- Kensei
- Kestrel
- Kinetic
- Leo
- Miho
- Petal
- Ringo
- Rona
- Silvernail
- Skye
- Tony
- Vox
- Warhawk
and last but not least…
- Susie
- Dynasties Blackfeather’s Potoo
- Killer Bunny Rona’s Skvader
- Stealth Fighter Skye’s Eagle. Is it a hawk? I’m not sure it’s a hawk.
- Flaming Pegasus