Can you please stop nerfing Malene?

In 5v5, because in 3v3 the pressure she can apply early on is obscene.

Dont know how you guys feel for now, but for me, before the current nerf. She is pretty OP.
Im writting this not because i judge her damage only, I look at the big picture and realize. Malene has too much things in her kits: tools for start a combat, tools for gank, tools for disengage, tools for burst, tools for dps, tools for escape,etc. Lmao, the only thing she doesnt have is a dashing ability! So what does this means? It means in the whole early game, even I am a very very bad Malene, I will never die of being ganked or die in 1v1, I can secure my farm, cooperate with jungler for ganking and stuff. The only bad thing is if the situation is not good at late game, I will be useless.

So for me, she really really deserves a nerf. Now she has to act more agreesive in lane to ensure team gets ahead in mid/late game. Otherwise her team will lose.

That’s the problem with an over stacked kit, BF was the same and they had to delete parts of his kit to balance him, with malene it will happen just that, but until then she will be either op or up.

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Yeah true. She can even beat an alpha at early levels and shes a little too good at stealing treants. But then again she has her weaknesses. And just like an enemy koshka, all you need to do is make sure you rotate down n stop her from doing her thing.