Can you please stop nerfing Malene?

I am not saying Lyra is a bad roam. I don’t roam so can’t compare that. But as a healer regardless of role Adagio is the better one. In reality his heal is stronger, faster and more reliable.

Last patch they nerfed the burst heal.

I dont take into account the nerfs to the burst heal as it is a percentaje of the max heal potential, which is what im talking about.

But this is so important for her. The only few times she was out of meta or not a top roam was when her detonation heal was bad or when it was removed completely.

Yes, but when talking about who heals more, i dont take it into account. Also, she was out of the meta too when the healing was reduced (not the brust heal).

In real games she would never wait the entire heal and on top of that have only 1 target in sigil. It just doesn’t work in real games. Taka would probably have the highest dps because of his perk if he goes full crit 5 damage items but in real game he would always have less dps just because he’d be dead. Stats on paper and reality have a huge difference. Even then I dont think Adagio’s heal would be much worse.


And that was when Ringo got that damage and range buff. Completely outclassed him. It won’t happen to Malene until we get another better combo mage/short ranged mage.

Nop, when he went out of the meta was the update when they completely destroyed CP Vox and no one tried WP Vox, the following update they gave him a 20% more WP damage boost during 2s after using the SZ, which was removed in a hot fix that same update due to it being op.

I combo’d her early game so hard that minions were denting her but she had her flask up and I didn’t feel like chasing her even though one basic attack would have finished her. I knew she was just baiting me and she ended up buying Heavy Blade and snowballed me hard, while my teammates were losing their lanes. If I had Reza that game I could have done more.

Its toxic. I couldn’t play bot at all and the only game I was able to play bot in was my last one where I suffered from too much cache and my game kept crashing. I was also able to play bot in my first game where I was 9 ELO from VG but I got a SAW as a teammate who went 1/10 so quality. The other games I had to play Top and my team kept on losing CAUSE THEY’RE SO BAD (can’t blame them, MM’s fault, but they didn’t let me bot whatsoever). I tilted hard the second to last game because I had to play top again and the enemy bot laner was now my bot laner and he kept saying how he carried the games when he didn’t and it was just that his team was better than mine. Like it made me so tilted, because I went 11/5/5 or smth and I was sweaty af but my team was so bad and Reza can’t solo carry. His comments and like my frustration with the top lane just makes me want to take a hiatus but I wanna reach VG Silver to look cool, and sometimes it really is fun to SoloQ (last night I had a perfect Vox game, I somehow got dramatically better at him >.<).

This seems irrelevant but all I need to say is NA is mad unfair (went against a duo queue who were on coms like 4 times in a row) and Malene is pretty balanced because she came to gank me and stuff from mid lane, she got me a couple of times but I was ready at one point and got a double kill solo from her and the enemy top. She’s in a healthy position but I don’t ever see her falling from where she is until someone with better tools/equal amount of tools come. The hero roster in VG feels like ecology because of all these niches XD.

Might have ranted too hard but one AFK somehow brings you to 10 min of LPQ for like 4 matches, but whatever I guess. I became friends with this god tier mid laner last night and a super good jungler/captain so I look forward to ranking up with those two even though they both reached VG I think I am a competent bot laner.

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Oh yes phinn+celeste is a brutal counter to malene lol. Even a decent gwen or cp vox or basically any long ramged hero wrecks her just as you said.

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I was 10 elo away from VG yesterday n got trolled by a taka :slight_smile:

Versus long ranged heroes…

I’m 11 ELO away SO ONE MORE MATCH AND I GET MY RIGHTFUL SPOT. I was looking at some of my teammates and enemies I’ve been playing with and some of them are VG and they are so bad. For some reason MM decides to give me all POA allies and have trio pro players on the other side. NA Rank is so stupid and the POA playerbase would be T7 if MMR actually was useful.

exactly. All the t7 scrubs got to t9 so easily in 3v3 cos most of the real t9s and t10s left playing 3v3. Last season quite a bit of t8s-t9s got to vg in 3v3 while i was playing 5v5, and when they build like shit what they tell is “I am VG. get to vg first you poa noob”. I m kinda tired of the scrubs in 3v3. Thankfully 5v5 isnt that bad even though theres atleast one player in every team silently getting boosted.

2 of them are roams, one of them is not long ranged (Ringo), so the only one long ranged is Varya, which in fact it isn’t as her play style is more about using the AAs. For long ranged heroes, think on CP kestrel, Celeste, Skaarf, Samuel…

I’d say 5v5 is worse than 3v3, I’ve seen some unbelievable draft choices and even worse builds. People don’t understand basic rotations (specifically jungle rotations) or counter drafting (I wanna play Krul no matter what).

Same for 5v5, I’ve seen t4-5 players in 3v3 reaching t9-10 in 5v5.

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It’s worse in 5v5 imo, when I played 3v3 people are still rotating and counter drafting a hat isn’t the case in 5v5.

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this post is legit opinions, ok

Malene is perfectly balanced-Op when fed-weak when played by a noob.

ill see myself out

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Thats true for every hero. Invalid point. But yes, shes balanced.