Can you base the death timers on frequency of deaths instead of duration of the game?

To add to this, if my team got some enemies to 5 deaths before we started dieing more, then the whole minute we get to take advantage of the death timers would allow us to farm up or easily take an objective(s) in a WHOLE MINUTE. Know how many turrets could be pushed in that time?

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I think you guys are looking at this in slightly the wrong way… (forgive me if someone has mentioned this, I’m starting to lose track at 60+ replies). The issue isn’t that the system is unduly punishing players with 5 deaths (or 6, or 7, however you calibrate it). The issue is that this system incentivizes lack of deaths so pointedly that:

  1. players will turtle and play overly cautious, promoting massively un-fun and prolonged farming phases, and
  2. players will not be able to capitalize late-game on enemy deaths because their timers will be too short… that is, until they’ve actually managed to kill them enough to make it worthwhile.

I think your suggestion, while well-meaning, would change the gameflow way too much and skew match length averages way past what they are now.


It wouldn’t be balanced around tier 8+ players. Quite frankly, the current system already is.

Quite frankly, It’s a transparent mechanic targets new players and people that intentionally feed.

It doesn’t nerf anyone. Eating a few deaths would be the same as the current system. Captains, while given the nature of the position, take more deaths, they still shouldn’t be taking them excessively.

I’m not necessarily stringent on specific numbers of how time correlates to deaths. However, consistent double digit deaths is ridiculous.

I honestly don’t even understand how you guys are defending feeding so vehemently. Are you guys seriously ok with playing with feeders? That drives me nuts.

I am not defending consistent 2 digit deaths. That means you probably belong in t3 or less lol. What I am against about this is the pure devastating punishments your idea grants. 5 deaths and you get a minute? That is too much. Way too much. You keep talking about double digit deaths when your system gives a 10 minute respawn at only 8 deaths and an entire minute at 5.


I have already mentioned 1 recently. How dare u. U are not forgiven :lanceheresy::saw::samuelangry::lanceheresy::saw::samuelangry:


Can you at least explain how this will stop trolling? They still piss everyone off and can still emote when dead. This does not do anything to make the game better and only harms it.


Dude, your system does not punish just the feeders. We’ve been trying point that out to you for ages.


So I get punished now cuz I’m in low tier, trying to learn a new hero that’s maybe a late game hero or just play a late game hero in general or play a roam like fort/adagio or I’m getting countered/focused hard early on? I’m not talking 10 deaths, that’s way too much but in low tier it’s not rare to see 5 deaths in average players.

if this was in the game I wouldn’t want to play at all, I wouldn’t even bother trying to git gud anymore cuz the system is punishing me for trying, not just feeders.

This wouldn’t just stop feeders it will drive away lots of players, what is actually the average player, in most games majority of players are in the mid-low tiers of skill.

I get the drive behind this idea, but no in reality it will do more harm than you think. It’s a double edged sword that will effect a big portion of the player base


Keep in mind minute long respawn timers start coming up at over 20 minutes. I think close to 30. To get a full minute at only 5 deaths is BONKERS. 30 seconds alone is already a lot

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The system punishes those trying to actually make a comeback more than feeders. Shutting someone down is meaningless when they respawn in 5 seconds, and coming back is close to impossible when you can’t push because two of your allies are stuck in respawn limbo.


Not if they don’t die…

Making a perfect 5-0 teamfight when you’re trying to come back is often LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE. If we’re (me and my guildies) ahead, even in a 3v5, we can still take out like, two people before dying. If you’re in an actual 5v5 teamfight, even if you play it perfectly you’re still going to lose a few members.

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…and again, that wouldn’t be a problem if they didn’t feed all match. They would actually respawn faster, late game, if they didn’t feed.

How hard is it for to understand what a comeback is? I’m trying to say that if your team at four deaths each (which is reasonable for a decent tier), even when you win teamfights the opposing team can literally respawn faster than you. Taking dragons become out of the question, especially if you lose a few menbers, which you probably will. If you don’t see the problem with this, I’m actually kind of shocked.

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70 plus replies and we’re all still arguing the same thing, it’s clear that the discussion isn’t going anywhere


It cannot be a discussion when people choose to be contrarian to hold on to their points, no matter how wrong or inaccurate they may be.

So many people only know how to play from ahead, only know how to win when they’re snowballing, only know how to fight when they have completed builds, and only know how to blame their teammates when the first three don’t happen, so the concept of comebacks is lost on most.

Anyone who thinks increasing the death timers will solve this main issue (not knowing how to comeback) is either woefully misinformed, or just wants others to suffer because they consider their play style to be substandard.


His idea would be more suited to a match like this

But in a more balanced matchup like so it would upset many players

at that point of deaths a few people might as well not even have played anymore just because they got ganked a few times

This would just overly punish deaths is what I’m getting at

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Both of those matches posted was pretty much between three players, each match. Everyone else fed. That’s exactly what I’m getting at. If there were death timers that kind of feeding wouldn’t exists in the first place.

It blows me away how many actually accept feeding.

We all like feeding just because we think your idea is a little overboard ?