I am T6 silver in 5v5 ranked atm and I want to know how can I improve. I main mid though I occasionally go captain with Lyra(but I suck at Catherine I used to be much better at her). My best heroes are CP Kestrel, Celeste, Samuel, and Lyra for Captain/Hybrid Carry. I play more of Skaarf these days as you will notice in my vgpro because he has a better matchup vs some junglers that a can’t easily counter with Celeste and Samuel, in other words to expand my mid hero pool.
As far as I have seen of your Cap Lyra build have not gone too far yet I can say ditch the CP. If you get ANY CP item the only one you should get is clockwork for the CDR. You want as much health as POSSIBLE. However, I see u do something that most Lyras should be doing Well I see most Lyras including myself doing this which is correct and it’s building fountain late.
TBH I was actually playing sort of Semi carry Lyra build that focused more on getting Stormcrown early +a couple of oakhearts then get get AC as first CP item for the attack speed. This in conjuction with the extra health from all the oakhearts makes Lyra’s slow in her perk very effective with the attack speed, it makes her the most annoying thing that ever existed. Getting Crucible increases her healing by a big amount and Dragon’s Eye as 4th item to make her basic attacks hurt badly. The slow in her basic attacks are just very effective in supporting the team along with her more then decent healing with her crucible made her still an effective support. Fountain as 5th, then I could have probably gone war threads afterwards for more intense healing.
But thanks for taking your time to analyse my VG Pro! |Your help is very much appreciated.
Get reflex early like in the 7-8 min mark and learn to reflex everything in the game from point blank krul ult to Catherine ult. I rose from T5 to T7 in 3v3 just by working on reflex blocking which helps when playing roam as well as carry. Proper reflex blocks in soloq can be lifesavers
Don’t build full offense, I have seen you do it in few matches where you went 5 offense items. If you are facing someone who knows diving properly then you are out of the fight in under 5 seconds usually. Defense might be crappy now but it still does help you survive more
Watch replays and understand how you position yourself in teamfights, squishies position behind tanks and roams. Since you play a lot of mages consider positioning as the most important skill to learn, if you are caught slightly out of position you will be punished with death
I agree with all your points, but about the full offense thingy… lemme explain.
I go glass cannon simply because I have learned that getting a defense item(with the exception of reflex block) is going to be useless on someone like Celeste or Kestrel because of their immobility they get bursted down quicly anyways.
Going full offense enables me to provided all the damage for my team, if you see my better Celeste games, I do over 50 000 K on average and multiple times 70 K, thanks to my 5 offensive items. My positioning overall I would have to say is good as I manage to avoid getting caught out alone(most of the time). Also when my team lacks damage, I am forced to go more offense as all they are doing is stalling due to their lack of damage from their lack of gold an items while I was the only fed person in the team(a reason why I love Mid) so I am forced to.
But I know where you are coming from. The funny thing about T6 in 5v5 is that it is not so hard yet that going 5 offense is often a better option(with someone like the heroes I play, CP Kestrel and CP Celeste) rather than getting a reflex block as most often if you positioning is good you find that you don’t need one.
Also I became pretty fed by then due to all the kills so I thought why not make use of all the gold :3
Even with the best positioning cc hurts. If someone with cc dives you and they have reflex block they can block your team cc while stunning you and deleting you. Koshka diving you with a RB and escapes your stun while you get caught. She could have been deleted in few hits had you blocked her stun and moved a bit. Pros have the best mechanical skills and yet they get defense
Note that VGPRO gives you barely any information compared to a recording of a game. IF POSSIBLE, record your matches and upload them to something like youtube, then utilise the resource you’ve created to self review or ask for advice.
On a CP Kestrel in the jungle I can forgive no defence, if the enemy get to you you’re dead no matter what you’ve built. However you need a reflex block in lane, like always, you need to mitigate CC, and can’t rely on your roam to provide it for you.
Let’s be honest you’re not a god like carry who can get away with going full offence… as a side note I’ll say your CS is terrible, but that might be because the matches snowball early. Ohhh and stop stealing farm as a roam (your highest CS was as Lyra support).
Hero pool for mid lane is very good, nothing out of the ordinary for builds except when you’re playing lyra hybdrid isn’t very efficient on her just build pure utility. One thing i’ve noticed is your cs number playing mid lane, you average 4 cs/ minute which is pretty low, you’re the hyper carry you have to get fed so focus on farming you should aim for at least 6 cs/minute 7 would be ideal. I wouldn’t recommend playing petal btw.
My CS in the early game is ok (in 6 minutes I have 30 +) so I fall off late game with all the teamfights. I admit I have to work on that, thanks.
For my cs with Lyra I wasn’t stealing anyone’s farm, I had to go mid because no one went mid. It forced me take damage items because I became mid laner (ashamed)
I’ll try to avoid it as much as possible.
Thanks for the advice
Like the others said, cs is the main thing holding you back, and you can only manage perfect CS with tons of practice. it can be hard to manage on say a Celeste whose auto attacks are so slow or Samuel, whose A can be hard to last hit with, so you need to practice a lot. During the laning phase, focus hard on last hitting. I think it’s something like 1 minion wave = 1 kill? So unless it’s an easy kill don’t go for kills, focus on killing every minion. Also you definitely need a reflex block, positioning is important but you can’t rely on it.