Armour needs a rework

Melee heroes, pretty much all of them, are early and mid game heroes. Lategame they don’t have as much impact. But if you know how to abuse your power you wouldn’t get there. And you won’t be winning much without warriors. Mid laners are pretty damn good right now but having Malene Celeste and Varya in the same team isn’t gonna help you win. Quite the opposite.

Ohhh I agree husk is crap, but MJ isn’t much better, most captains have a HP scaling benefit so I’d sooner be building a shiversteel or CW/ECHO for increased utility. Guess the exception is Phinn where his shield and armour stats do have relevance when using his B.

But for mos of the current meta roams I’m rarely building any armour, id rather have the additional utility a CW provides than the increased tankiness of an MJ. Little point being alive if my team are dead and let’s be honest they’re not focusing me during team fights.

As for junglers well I agree, a lane Rona without armour is going to have hard time, snap with Kruls, Reims etc.

Not sure I agree, hero’s like Rona,BF are kinda meta in bottom lane, look at how strong Daniel has been in TSM pretty much abusing these two hero’s.

Late game Rona can still launch into team fights and spin to win, sure she’ll goods but she causes so many problems which the enemy have to counter.

Yeah it is true roams aren’t building armor as much as before. But still against some heroes they need MJ. Phinn benefits from it, Churnwalker usually needs it and is better than Atlas. I agree both Atlas and MJ are bad but my point was they can’t be changed with anything and they have their place in the meta even if it is not what they used to be before.

I agree, AP getting a much needed buff next patch but I feel MJ needs something. When you compare it with Aegis it’s… well it’s crap, no health bonus, no reflex block and a very one dimesnfional build path which hampers you when trying to build other items.

Don’t play much Phinn now, and only a bit of churn when I roam so I guess I’ve stopped building it all together this patch.

Rona does more dmg, has more burst and sustain than BF and WP Idris, her chasing potential is actually better than them. She can’t dodge stuff but she has a reliable escape than Idris and BF’s short dash

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BF isn’t meta atm and WP idris is weaker than CP Idris so yeah Rona is queen of wp Junglers…

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Cp idris will always be better than wp because it is much safer to play ranged heroes and also because diving sucks even with assassins


Rona in jungle is a waste since how easy it takes to win bot and keep on split push and snowball.

No one likes a snowball even the snowballing team it just makes you think you wasted time

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That’s pretty much how melees are: snowball or get snowballed. If you can’t snowball, melees will be so scared that they can’t engage confidently and rely on their ranged carries to poke first

I’ve found Reza to be a good Rona counter, that mobility makes him incredible hard to stick to and he has the advantage of always being able to kite away whilst landing ranges pokes.

Plus if they decide to play a squishy crit Rona your combo does massive damage

I’d love a stacking defence item

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Normally a plate armour (metal jacket is the third or fourth layer for a knight. You have cloth, padded cloth (leather), chainmail and the finally plate armour.

It is this layering that prevents stabbing and piercing attacks to go through and through due to the different textures and layers stacked.

It would be fitting that a full coat of armour would provide stacked defense.

As Phinn is can be worth to scale fortified health. Especially with 5v5 the fortified health on Phinn B is actually really really impactful.

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armor would be cool if it had a passive of slowing auto attack speed by like 5% or sometime when you get hit by an auto


what if they did something like for every critical strike you receive, ten to twenty percent of that damage is reflected back to two enemies? it would make it a much more viable item, as armour can be “shredded” by another item, greatly reducing its effectiveness

Even crit resist without reflect would be well worth it.


yeah, true! something creative and useful. like when receiving a critical strike your health becomes fortified for x percentage of your health for x seconds. something to be able to counter weapon power when you’re not a melee or captain that can afford to be at close range for atlas pauldron