Announcing: VG Community Edition

That’s a pretty bizarre take on the situation.

I notice you ignored my questions about your previous comment.

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SEMC literally gave it away to Rogue to try and make money. After only 3 months, Rogue was like no thanks this sucks. So now SEMC is playing buddy buddy with us after ignoring us for years.

Well Rogue Games, an actual game publishing company with servers, money, workforce and stuff, couldn’t make it worth keeping, so the idea that somehow a group of mobile MOBA players (most of us are teens, right?) is going to coordinate a server deployment, pay for it, and then let SEMC host their game on it for free is hilarious.

It will be a way to blame the community for the game’s failure and ultimately, death.

If it doesn’t happen it’s because the community didn’t make it happen right? It’s a fallacy.

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I asked about balancing on the reddit and they pretty much said “If you dont like it, Move then”… Which Ig is okay.

Ig they will only interfere if theres modding or something against what they want.

Exact Response from AMA

We are hoping to get to a state where players can choose which server they play on. We do not yet know exactly how server hosts will be able to affect balancing. But if we can get that to work, they will likely be able to change balancing as they want. We would probably not plan to overly involve ourselves on the hows and whys of decision making here (apart from any necessary legal or ethical concerns). Our view would be “If you don’t like a server, play on a different server.” But your feedback and opinions will be vital to these future partners and the viability of their actions.

My Post…

Anything other than that is a massive effort, unrealistically massive that will require rewrite basically and we know they have issues with even small changes/fixes with full team attention. Imagine what it would take to implement their vision described in the video. Anyone even slightly familiar how coding/game developing works will know and we are here to tell the others as it’s ok not not be that technical into that direction.

What it will end up is removing almost all the features, leaving the barebone for the game to work, take donations in the form of the said “create server” and freeze the game state entirely. Now tell me, why anyone will pick that game up in that state even if all is free when lol wild rift will be developed constantly, receive attention + attention to details and have new content/meta changes added constantly? Not to mention that if I go by what riot do from their first day as a studio - the pricing model will be fair like VG was back in the days.

For me this will be the slow death of the game and fail big time as an idea, especially implemented like that, but I didn’t expect other way of implementation given the huge task it would be. Sad… I am sure it’s sad for them too, given they put like 5 years of all their effort, hard work, talent into creating all that is in VG. For those still in SEMC (not many) and those that moved forward.

Sooo… imho: as realistically even if we still fire up VG from time to time (if we conclude it will exist even after a few months and that’s also arguable), we will most likely move there when it’s out and keep our awesome community.

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IMHO 3vs3 2.8 patch, including miners, heroes balance - HP, stats, skills - all reverted. Keep the new heroes and items, balance them around the perfect balance of the 2.8 state ( @Nivmett can help here) and leave it like that! No 5vs5, no anything… 3vs3 is unique and while 5vs5 is arguably more complex overall, 3vs3 was a lot more enjoyable for me on my phone and I mean a lot + it’s unique in it’s gameplay and MOBA formula… in contrary of the 5vs5 that is generic as it can get + does not fit the heroes/items/VG.

VG was created to be on the halcyon fold, let it end it’s journey there.

Btw, on a more serious note - while I see myself easily transit to lol:wr only if VG stays like that, I will totally play also VG if it’s 2.8 with just the addition of the new heroes rebalanced/tweaked and the new items also rebalanced. (- the rogue heroes, obviously… if they don’t transit I will not cry :smiley: )

5vs5 should had been a totally different game in VG universe… maybe even carry over old heroes, but reimagined with different skills that are thematically around the original ones. Not to replace a healthy game with a generic 5vs5 MOBA that have the disadvantage having heroes and abilities created for a totally different game.

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I really don’t see this being a problem. Only a few heros needed kit changes to suit both modes but a simple solution would be to split the balance stats between both modes.

Yes I loved 3v3 with its gorgeous map and unique play style but I had more fun on the Rise cuz it gave a different play style than what I was used to. Im starting to get off topic but 5v5 isn’t the main or only problem here. There were many other variables that got us here to where we are today.

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I completely agree.

That’s where you go off the rails: you’re ascribing to SEMC a motive that has no basis in anything except your own imagination. Even at my most cynical, I wouldn’t describe SEMC as malicious — and I’d be willing to bet I know them better than you do.

That’s not the correct domain … :wink:

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Without getting deep into the 3v3 vs 5v5 debate, I think that it’s difficult to argue that the addition of 5v5 didn’t hurt the game. I actually agree with @cha0z that if they couldn’t preserve the magic that they’d achieved with 3v3, they should have released 5v5 as a separate game/app. Instead, they sacrificed an excellent, polished game that had found a sweet spot and a solid audience in favor of what turned out to be a fairly standard MOBA. I suppose they were betting that any loss of 3v3 fans would be more than made up by the addition of the legions of new players joining because of 5v5. It didn’t work out that way, of course: after an initial spike, participation and interest decreased rapidly, eventually leaving VG where it is today.

What would have happened if they’d done things differently? Who knows. But personally, I think 3v3 (“Vainglory Classic”) would have retained a small but loyal and healthy player base, while 5v5 (“New Coke Vainglory”) would have followed exactly the trajectory we’ve seen with the game overall. The advantage of two apps would have been that SEMC could have put the dying 5v5 out of its misery at this point, saving on resources, while continuing to let a more healthy 3v3 continue to live on. Yes, this is my private fantasy world. Hush, don’t disturb it.


Yes thats a shirt from World’s 2016, TSM, VonC


I guess you’re right, resting my case on this matter.

Hi!!! waves happily :smiley:

Finally caught up with what has gone down the last two to three days.

Phew… it’s both sad and relief I suppose.

Now, not to be a negative nancy; but I don’t think Vainglory should be continued (outside of China that is) anymore, be it in the company’s hands or the community’s.
I would have preferred if they just shelved it indefinitely, take the hate, and walk away from it all while acknowledging the thing that VG was and what it could have been if they managed it better.

Memory is fleeting, and people will forget Vainglory unless they’ve invested years into it. Time is the key thing here, because unlike money; those can never be replenished, only spent. We all here probably spent a good 3 to 5 years with VG - through all its highs, stagnation and now its lowest low.
Each passing year, MOBA as a genre is less and less popular unless one can create a MOBA game that innovates and keep up with the times in a way that can compete with the giants of the genre - League of Legends and DoTA2. It does not bode well for mobile MOBAs that are not concretely established or has a fickle player base with the looming “Wilf Rift” on the horizon.

That’s not to say that giving the community the reins is a bad idea. Far from it. It will be wild, and some may past into legends of Vainglory’s history.
What I think would the worst outcome of this attempt to keep VG going is simple - nothing stems out of it. Nothing.
Community would grumble and fight the fading pulse of life in the game, but eventually it will flatline if nothing ever comes out of this attempt.

To conclude, I say good on SEMC for trying to do whatever they can to keep VG going. For me, the ship of VG set sailed long when I disembarked while it was docked in a period of time where I loved it.
To me, it died like a dog that one loves with all their heart and occasionally forgets to entertain, engraved into the stone of memory.

I don’t want to see it go on and become zombie villain the community would come to hate even more. I’d rather see it die a hero, and laid to rest in a final ceremony of remembrance.


Good Luck Guys :crossed_fingers:


Wait why doesn’t semc decide to put vg in an extended sleep?

Like kill it for sometime so they can work on spellfire, then when they are ready and capable to work on vg wake it up?

Likely the same reason no one’s been revived from cryogenic sleep. Sure, you can freeze 'em, but waking them up is another story.


“wake up” game that is not profitable and I would guess big time + dropping fast (I can tell for sure that even vs 3 months ago, a lot of players quit the game, based on my friends list). And do so when LOL WR will be in it’s peak already. :slight_smile:

Project spell fire aint the issue, Rogue ditched the game cause its too expensive to run.

Well… was good ride over the years. In EU already stage 1. I am sad that netease didn’t want to take the game outside of China, but I am also not surprised. We all can guess how VG figures most likely looked last half a year and the perspective. :frowning: