You mean the new diamond logo…i kind like the old because it included pink…also yeah…i didnt realise that… i shouldve gone for peridot’s gem. But yeah. The diamond logo looks good as a flair
I like the new one because it’s up-to-date. I just really like new things, because they have a history ya know and have evolved from the former which just always seem more powerful even if not. I know that’s weird to say a symbol has power but ya know I just get them vibes.
Just want to bump this thread in case folks who’ve recently achieved Regular (Trust Level 3) status don’t know about the option
Bumping this again to remind folks the option is available to all Trust Level 3 members AND to announce that it’s also available to anyone who’s supported us through a Patreon pledge (current or past) or a donation via Buy Me a Coffee.
If you’re not sure whether you’re entitled to request a custom flair image, look for your name in one of these two places:
If you’re listed in either group, just post a reply here (it helps to @ me so I don’t miss it!) with the image you’d like as your custom avatar flair. Look at some of the requests above to see what makes a good image.
Can you make game modes ones like 3v3 , 5v5 , Aram , I want to join 3v3 group and show up on my profile pictures , like I can pick the kraken but it’s not that good I want to be team 3v3 .
I’ll definitely try to make some more TL2 flair choices when I get the chance.
I didn’t realize how small the regular pool was, or that I even was considered one, until I saw this post. Kinda cool. I feel special .
@hazeleyes can I? I would prefer the first one (because of the colours) but if not any of the other 2 would be amazing
Can do! I’ll get it done tonight when I get home from work!
Awesome! Thanks
For the first image, are you thinking something like this, or do you just want the symbol itself (no background)?
The symbol if possible
But that one is also good
Aye aye, sir! It will probably be later today before I get it done – the gradient in the background takes a little longer to remove cleanly, and unfortunately I’m working today
No problem, thanks for doing It
@hazeleyes can I get mine changed please?
You bet! I’m still out of town, but I’ll be home finally this evening. I’ll get yours and @Guest_78’s done then!
Oh didn’t know you were away, is all good, and thank you in advance for the cat bling
Okay, so it’s taken me WAAAAAAY longer that it should have to get your bling done (sorry!!!), and I’m having a hard time getting a clean image from the file you preferred because of the multiple gradients. I spent a while searching this morning, and I found this one – would this work for you?
That one is even better lol. No complains XD
Wooooo, can I get this too? This is way better than what @Guest_78 asked for.