About that new Gold Chest

They said you would be able to obtain SE BluePrints in event chest such as the red lantern one, so no, they didn’t lie.

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Link please. 30 character s)))))

Idk, I’m not going to search a reddit thread made 4 months ago, and then the comment made by a dev, that almost impossible an too much time consuming for me to do it rn.

There’s so much wrong with this post that I just don’t know where to start.

Tl;dr – your point of view is … different … from most reasonable people.

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Ok then how am I supposed to believe you? I’m just saying you don’t got the facts to provide while I do.

There is no viewpoints. This is LITERALLY HOW THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE WORKS if you don’t like that I don’t know what to tell you. At this point you’re arguing for the sake of arguing, I don’t know why you’re trolling me.

Don’t you just get that it was just lazy programming so they put that bp message and craft button for every skin and then they never bothered to remove it for se skins. There’s no lie at all, it’s just an UI issue that can lead to confusion, yeah, but nothing else.

I really don’t understand why do you insist on complaning about this. It’s like most irrelevant thing one could come with.

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Ok if it’s a UI issue why has SEMC not spoken up about it? Unless they have and I miss their message that you can point me towards :stuck_out_tongue:

Also just because something is an accident or lazy doesn’t make it not a lie, a lie is not defined by the effort put into it.

Because they are no longer vocal about issues. There are Nivmett and Sugarvenom, you can see and here from those two. The company as a whole is rather silent compared to the old days.

I completely get where you are coming from though and I share your stance in this.
We already had a craft system and that never included SE skins. Now it appears that there is that option and there is no clarity in the matter.

When the game itself tells you that you are missing something then you should have to be able to assume that that is true.

It is probably the opposite which would be false.
False statements are often considered lies.

Very clear to me…


This has wandered far enough off topic that I’m going to close it.

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Suppose I say “Hey Saint you are missing a flying unicorn.”

Now am I a liar?

Well if I am lying then that means you have a flying unicorn.

If you don’t have a flying unicorn my statement is true despite there being no such thing as a flying unicorn.

So SEMC saying you don’t have a blueprint when there is no such blueprint doesn’t make SEMC a liar.

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