There isn’t a lot of knowhow about not having cooldowns available. Miho can hang out with the pack, nibble with her AA, and try to land 3 B hits on someone who is stunned, but it’s very situational and mostly she’s stuck waiting.
That said, there is a bit of learning, but a big part of it is learning to be patient and let her team carry her in those parts of the fight where she isn’t really ready.
I actually got pulled into a bunch of tier 10 matches with her the other day (thanks late-night MM; I guess overall they were tier 10 bronze, since there were usually 2 silver on each team, me at tier 8, and everyone else tier 10 bronze). The first time, the guy who picked captain asked if anyone had the new character, and asked if I wanted to play her (even though I said I hadn’t played her in ranked yet).
I did really badly in that first match. I got bulled a bit in my lane, but the captain and jungler made regular (quick) visits which took off enough pressure that I could farm up. I really got messed up coming into the mid-game teamfights though, because the enemy Taka was always waiting to intercept me as I made my way in. I think I died 8 times before I got a kill.
I also learned that reflex block stops Miho’s Ult, because the enemy captain popped crucible for it a few times, and death number 9 came from me stupidly following my Ult with a charge and then not having any way to get back out.
I did better towards he end of the match, because I didn’t need to move anywhere that Taka might get me, and I started waiting to see crucible before I used my Ult, and I picked up 9 kills in the last three fights.
In the second match, both teams had the exact same captain and jungler (though the enemy jungler was always Taka and the guy on my team switched up), and they asked me to play Miho again (even though IMO I sucked in the previous match, and we mostly got carried by our bottom lane Leo). This time I made a point of marking when I was moving to a teamfight, and either my captain or jungler usually took a few steps in my direction to cover me as I joined the team. The Taka still tried to gank me pretty much every time I moved, but he usually didn’t kill me.
In that match, all of the enemy carries built celestial shroud (Adagio built crucible, and was crazy good with it). I made an effort to start engagements with my B to try to clear it off (and maybe get two stacks on someone early), but usually there was at least one squishy who completely avoided getting marked by my Ult. I ended up going 15 and 4 in that match.
Third time, I got swapped over to the team with Adagio and Taka, and the enemy team got Miho first pick. I pick Gwen for bottom lane because she’s an easy hero to play well with and she counters Miho (SAW, Gwen, and Lorelai seem to be Miho’s hardest counters in lane, but I needed to pick weapon and I was not going to bring SAW into tier 10). I built reflex block early to keep Miho from stacking up her perk, and bullied her out of the lane repeatedly. In the teamfight phase, I played Gwen like Gwen (but she’s pretty good when enemy melee dives, IMO), but the enemy Miho kept trying to hit us from the sides and kept getting intercepted by Taka.
Overall, tier 10 is dramatically different from mid tiers.
- There is a lot more rotation, even to the top lane.
- Players build appropriate defenses instead of just building Slumbering Husk for everything.
- Chat was much less toxic, and pings were usually to let the team know where we were moving to or what the cooldown was on an Ult or fountain.
- The whole team participated.
- People know how to use reflex block (I was kinda stunned to have my Ult negated by crucible the first time — crucible basically doesn’t exist in mid tiers).
- Tanky heroes initiated. There is a weird thing in low and mid tiers where the players who are most afraid of taking damage tend to play durable, high-sustain heroes but then wait for other players to engage first.
- I never felt like I was doing all the work. In my first match, I got carried until the last couple of team fights. In mid tiers, if I want to win a match, all the responsibility is on me to win it.