4.4 meta wish list

Can someone tell me why his healing is so useless on his perk?

I don’t remember it being like this :sweat_smile:

Did they reduce it or something or was the numbers always this low?

It was nerfed from 200 to 120.


Semc needs to just hide all the stats except on items and health and force players to figure it out for themselves in battle. Guarantee everyone would start getting better :slight_smile:

but in all seriousness, assassins are going to be slightly op because they’re assassins. The most you could do to a lot of them is make them easier to kill but that would just box the builds in more.

A lot of current under powered heroes can’t be buffed too much because they are literally supposed to be viable mainly in certain situations, however semc wants to try allow heroes to be variable, and it’s hard to make it go both ways.

Hmm yes, because this wont have any sort of backlash at all. :new_moon_with_face:

I don’t understand the correlation. Why being an assassin makes them op by default?

I think what they are trying to do is reducing low tiers frustration , Iam already a high tier in 3v3 and I get frustrated playing 5v5 in low mid tiers , because they banned weak heroes and suddenly the enemy team taking all the good picks , like I know Iam in a soloq team vs a trioq or full party , unbalanced matchmaking with strong heroes is the description of elo hell , they are between balancing for low tiers or fixing matchmaker , I think there is people stuck down there and probably stopped playing because of frustration , I have zero interest on climbing 5v5 tiers .

Lol I did say “in all seriousness”. Jeez. Is my sarcasm that unrecognizeable? Lol I do think players would actually think more about the hero mechanics and less about hard numbers: think old school simplified power ratings. Which is the biggest problem with the playerbase (not the numbers issue, the not thinking about mechanics issue).

But no, that would be a headache in itself and yes, people would complain when they probably wouldn’t even care in the long run.

@Guest_78 well assassins are supposed to be able to overpower a hero in a short amount of time at the disadvantage that any prolonged battle will be a battle they lose, therefore assassins have to inherently be stronger than other heroes in raw damage, as opposed to warriors or carries who should usually see their power develop/impact over time or in certain situations.

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I don’t think low tiers should have so much of an effect on balancing tho. SAW is going to always be a noob stomper because his kit naturally heavily punishes bad team play.

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That doesn’t make them op, that makes them have burst and no sustain. They can be harder to balance, but they are by no means op by default. They have to be stronger in burst damage, not raw power.

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OP means over powered. I’m specifically talking about their power. Not their ability to compensate for the lack of, which is what sustain is? Can I ever make a comment on anything without it being picked apart without any attention to the actual argument I am making? We are, as almost always, literally talking about the same thing and yet you always have an issue with how I say it.

If clarification helps, an assassin has to do more burst i.e. more damage in a short amount of time. That means their attacks have to Inherently be more powerful at a base than other heroes, not that other heroes can’t do more damage over time in aggregate or due to comboed abilities or situational advantages. (Since I always have to repeat myself when I say anything)

I know.

I know that too. Being an assassin doesn’t give them more power though.

Sustain is not compensating for the lack of power, it’s dealing the damage in a prolonged period of time rather than as quick as possible.

Sorry for not agreeing that assassins are op by default. Idk why you feel targeted, I do the same with everyone. When I see something I don’t agree with I say it, no matter who it is the one saying it. I don’t think there is anyone in this forum I haven’t discuss with.

This is actually the first time (as long as I can remember) about the advantage in power between assassins and other classes. Again, it’s not personal, I just don’t agree, but if you feel targeted say it and we’ll end the discussion here.

Well when you mention that sustain is doing damage over time rather than as quick as possible without mentioning that that inherently means a sustain hero will have a weaker attack than an assassin at any standalone moment (no building stacks or procing effects or the like), I feel like you’re picking apart what I say just to disagree with it.

On top of you insinuating that I feel attacked because you’re disagreeing with me when that is clearly not my issue, (see above), yes, I feel targeted. And the icing on the cake is that you do this often enough on what I say for it to be noticeable.

We are again literally saying the exact same thing except for one point which it seems you don’t want to admit, which is that assassin burst power inherently gives them stronger standalone attacks and they have to be that way in order to be assassins. I don’t even get why it’s an issue as I literally just said sustain heroes can be stronger over time like 2 times already, but that assassins are stronger in the moment,meaning they are generally stronger in an initial fight, always.

Sorry our terminology isn’t aligning perfectly but do we have to stand on this hill every time?

Just to add, the reason I say always op is because it’s poor design for your assassin to fall off late game in dmg to the point that they lose the burst advantage.

Assassins don’t have stronger stand alone attacks, they have much quicker combos while sustain based heroes have combos that require more time.


I do that with everyone.

The issue is me not agreeing that having burst makes them stronger by default compared to the rest of the classes.

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Are you just trolling me at this point?

Taka does dmg based on his combos? Anka does dmg based on her combos? How is it burst if it’s a combo? Anka does dmg based on her B, C, and perk, not the actual combination of her abilities. She doesn’t have to combo anything to get a kill. Same with Taka, he does it based on his A and C or his basic attack dmg, not the actual combination of them. He could pick an enemy just with the burst of his C or A alone by endgame depending on their health just like a ranged carry could with a poke ability. In fact running, in to just C and dash out with boots to poke a target while saving an ability is a perfectly acceptable strat when you’re outnumbered but still have to try to kill multiple targets.

And targeted? Are you again being pedantic? Is this funny?

I’m not repeating myself. Good day to you and your responses.

CP Taka used to, anka does, by combo I mean the consecutive usage of abilities or parts of the kit. Assassins trend to utilise what their kit has to offer in terms of damage way faster than other heroes.

What the hell is wrong with you? How I’m being pedantic? You first said I’m always picking apart what you say, so I told you I do it with everyone, how is that pedantic?

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Closing this topic here because it’s degenerated into personal criticism rather than civil discussion.

@TheInterpreter, @Guest_78, and @VaKTaBi: I suggest you refrain from commenting on each other’s posts.