4.11 Content Reveals

(Edit: lmao so I noticed after watching again that there is actually a tiny trail on his shoes and spear. So yeah, they had the idea there but it’s barely noticeable, not flashy enough. I mean when Reza transforms you SEE those flames right away.)

Ah ok. So his general concept does have some basis. Pardon my ignorance where that is concerned then, but it still feels off the way he’s flying. Idk maybe a trail (welp maybe shouldn’t mention those) of fire from his shoes or his spear while he moves…idk…fire off his sashes or just…flaming sashes…right now he just looks like he’s floating around for no reason. It doesn’t come out in the design that the chakrams carry him.

And speaking on his sashes, I mean COME ON. Who wouldn’t look at his abilities and animations and say to themselves ‘tentacles of fire. now.’ I mean he literally is begging for tentacles or something made of fire. HOW did they go with a random yellow sash? And they don’t even like…change much or look all that special when he uses abilities like…how is he controlling them?

This makes me think about vox. A sonic warrior. They went out of their way to put a cassette or whatever on him, and headphones, and stuff. They went out of their way with the echo effects, the bounces, the waves from his hands…And they aren’t even flashy or complicated! They’re just good! And make sense for the concept!

I mean…wtf…really.

The design is obvious - it’s bad. But why not comment on his kit and especially his root on B? Quite fun with that range. :stuck_out_tongue: Not to mention his ult melting 4 people in a team fight - better skaarf ult, no delay, big damage to all targets infront.

And hard to see, with those animations knowing what the hero is doing in the middle of a teamfight is going to be “fun”. Can’t wait to be deleted by something I can’t see.

What they didn’t go out of their way to do was fix the clipping of his legs through his coattails. It’s just sad that they kept this graphical bug through six of his skins for more than four years.

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Honestly, the design is not as bad as Karas. It’s not good, but weirdly I find it somewhat compelling. I think I just appreciate that they seem to have stumbled accidentally into a hero archetype that I’ve been wanting to see. Basically a team melee mage who sacrifices range/mobility for pure AOE damage.

I like his perk a lot, it’s simple, but has the potential to lead to a lot of combo potential and decision making. It’s near perfect in my opinion. The A is boring, but works as a primary damage dealing ability. Where his kit really starts to fail is when you look at his B. It just has no place in his kit. In my view he is a melee team nuker/combo mage. His B is a classic “catch” ability that would work on a sniper, but does not make sense here. His ult works for this kind of hero, but could certainly be more interesting.

What I think could easily turn this hero into a classic is some more unique empowerments to force some more difficult choices. His B really lets the rest of his kit down, but honestly I’m weirdly excited to him.


I’m really glad you made this point. Even though I am appalled by his looks I do find him to be a more suitable hero in vg than say, Karas. He has a mechanic that makes you think on how and when to use his abilities, and I have definitely been wanting a proper melee mage for a while now.

I have to sit back a little and be happy for what we got. I guess the sting of old vg’s seeming perfection isn’t gonna wear off that easily.

He might become my favorite hero mechanically (next to reza of course) honestly so maybe I could give him some slack. I do hope they make him look better though at some point.

@cha0z I don’t see him being too much to handle. I actually think he’s going to be weak for the role he was designed for. He’s going to be cp powered most likely even though he’s a meleer so he’s gonna get shut down by good wp players, and he doesn’t have range so he’s gonna struggle against the large majority of cp players. You’re probably gonna delete a lot of people with him who don’t know what they’re doing when it comes to kiting and comboing abillities but he’s gonna be the one doing all the hard work against skilled players, and hopefully his power reflects that.

I actually worry he’s gonna be another hero people can’t agree on whether they’re strong or not regardless of how they buff/nerf him like reim is.

Has anyone tried Tony? His wp path is very decent after the buff. I believe he has the highest base weapon damage right now in the game.

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Yeah I tried him. Same difficulties, easier time killing. You’re not necessarily going to do any better with him if you weren’t before but his hits definitely have more oomph to them so its more rewarding to play wp.