3v3 matchmaking

Been a while since I’ve used discord bots, used to use it for clash of clans… issue I have is the detailed user guid link isn’t working.

I did so… I tried all sorts of things

a!vgw Xaldarian -eu

You’re not getting this?

Edit: gonna delete this post in a min… This convo is going off topic lul @Xaldarian

Or maybe let it stay… The user has removed this blah blah looks eh…

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I’ve asked on the shared server, not used a BOT in a while, so unsure of commands and how to pull into. Hoping they’re a quick command guide

Pretty cool what he’s set up…

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I am getting this but it is not interesting at all…
Hazel eyes can get specific hero info

Go to the support server, they’ve replied to my question with a quic user guide… always find BOTs are hard to master at first but once you’ve got basic commands down you can do cool atufd

Yah, sorry – I moved Andi’s web site to a new server, and I’ve not finished the transition. The docs are offline at the moment. You can get basic help by sending a!help, and many commands have additional help if you add help to the command itself: a!vg help for example


That’s cool, found your quick guide and starting to get the hang of the commands @hazeleyes

Seems I’m Not as good as I though #trueskill! lol

Try exploring the help documentation a bit?

Or if you really want everything told directly to you…
Then try
a!vg Xaldarian Ozo

Have fun.

Not in Discord, in the communities you joined with the people who were there. You’re mistaking the platform itself for having the issue when it’s not the fault of that. I understand you may not like Discord so I’ll leave it be.


Use this command to get specific hero info

a!VG [username] -[server] [hero-name]

Ex: a!VG KillerRabbit -na Adagio


I couldn’t access the documentation, it sent me to a non-existent webpage

I tried but the info seems incorrect lol. I have a 73% winrate on glaive but the bot tells me I am performing poorly in winrate…

Why do you think that’s incorrect? It’s a comparison to other players in your region and skill tier. You have to be better than average for that group to rate highly in one of the categories.

Also, the algorithm uses a decaying average, meaning that more recent matches are weighted more heavily than older matches.

It says I am 48% worse in winrate. While my winrate is 71% according to the API site…

It compares you with other players…
Seems like there are quite some people who play Glaive better than you around your skill tier…

Your win% against theirs. Your farm against theirs. Your kda against theirs. And it even tells you where you shine or suck(with %)

Try looking up Grace, I remember seeing you post that you played her well…

50% worse with a 71% winrate.
So on average people have a 121% winrate? That’s OP…

Hmm… 30% winrate on Glaive/Ranked/Lifetime

I assume Andi uses info that spans a lengthy part of your VG life rather than just the recent patch(Your ss shows only 7 Glaive games played) And the primary source for Andi is VainSocial. Check that site out. Its UI may not be as welcoming as VGPro… But the stats are bae.


dude ur match isnt even bad wth?
A t6 with t7s so what lol thats normal, and the proof is that you won…despite that krul reks rona.
Look at this ranked game i posted a pic…now this is broken lol…its a soloQ rank

That vox is not vainglorious lol. Cp vox that bad is a joke…