1st game rank

Making outrageous statements in order to provoke people contributes nothing to a rational discussion. Don’t do that again, please.


Honestly in this time skill tier doesn’t matter , especially if you talking about 5v5 , I don’t think skill tier tells anything about your game knowledge , it’s random with people switching their roles constantly , playing what they want , not what they think it works and going to help the team .

you guys do realize the salt mines isn’t for help right?

Completely disagree, especially for 5v5 solo queue. Game knowledge and hero/role flexibility is greatly rewarded. I am not mechanically gifted. But, I can draft, shot call, and play every role and many heroes at a proficiency that doesn’t hurt my team. I have solo queued to PoA Silver in 5v5 with a 66% win rate. I’m still rising, but I suspect I will cap out at PoA Silver/Gold. People already at VG this season typically are just better at quick twitch tapping than I am.

I disagree , it’s so random , and people aren’t using their heroes strength or they want to use but they lack map awareness , like in one of my games a guy picked koshka and enemy didn’t pick something good into koshka they actually went all ranged squishy heroes , I said that koshka heaven , I am going to hear enemy hero killed the whole game , no no no , she was dying from the beginning to the end , like it wasn’t even challenging for koshka she didn’t need outplay game , just spam ability and you kill !

Really? No way to distinguish the difference? 'kay. Maybe it’s time to delete all code related to match-making, and start over.

Totally not true. This text will be blurred

Seriously this thread is ridiculous, I don’t understand what you expect at tier 4 the starting tier. He is being matched with other tier 4s, Who exactly are you expecting to get matched with?

This sounds harsh but you need to evaluate your own playstyle, The truth is it’s you not them that needs to work on his game, as a regular you should be able to easily climb to tier 8.


I will repeat myself by saying there’s a reason why it’s in the salt mine. I’m not looking for “advice”.

Well in that case I’ll make a statement, MM is working just fine, your tier 4 he’s tier 4 stop your whinging.

I don’t quite get what you’re getting at here. K/D can be granted by a lot of different things. The eternal support issue is a reflection of that. There are many games when I decide not to carry and just roam pushing lanes and stealing enemy jungle farm and this helps my team secure the win. There are games where I’ve had to sacrifice myself multiple times to help a foolish teamate and that teammate ends up with 18 kills by late game and bragging. There are games where I’ve gone 25+ kills and almost no deaths with an equally good support helping out the whole team, and we lost because we got 2 members in a party not listening to pings and trying to push by themselves thinking just because they have communication they don’t need to coordinate with the rest of the team. Now does that mean I should be matched with better teamates while my support is matched with worse ones? Or that I should go down in rank because i played support and didn’t have much in the way of a score?

What I’m getting at is: While one K/D/A reading does not necessarily reflect a player’s overall capability (and those two matches were obviously cherry-picked to illustrate what’s wrong), there might be a connection between a 1k ranked points difference, and a Rona building 0 Def items by late game. Not. A. Single. One.
Or an Alpha whose only purpose in life is to face-tank Krul, and inevitably get deleted. Again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again.

And no matter how well you play, there’s no way to compensate for idiocy. I can’t do it, despite being the most proficient player in those matches, and 99.5% of the playerbase can’t do it, either.
That’s why it’s the match-maker’s job to pair idiots with idiots, and slightly less idiotic folks with slightly less idiotic folks.
Except… that isn’t happening. It’s not even close to happening. Not even sometimes. Do you have any idea when I last had a 3vs3 Casual match with people +/- 1 of my skill tier? No? Well, neither do I. And it’s frustrating as hell to be confronted with the same cluster-fuck each match, only to have the match-maker eventually determine: “Heh, Wali can’t beat tier 2 players.”

Is that working as intended, in your mind? Because it’s “working as intended” in mine.

Nah only 2500+ kids who SoloQ aren’t boosted. I hate em party skrubs that can’t play anything but bot lane. Im starting to love top lane though and POA Gold/2400-2499 ELO is really bad in NA, although there are some individuals who are just not playing much but are really good. Just check my recent game and you’re gonna be like wow thats so balanced but in game I got 3 ELO and it felt like a casual match but +sweat, because I’m usually casual in casual.

True. Agreed that in a perfect world K/D should have a better role in determining who you’re paired with unfortunately the MM needs to take numerous statistics into account to truly determine pairing, some of which I’m pretty sure it doesn’t. Unfortunately to measure all the statistics needed to make matchmaking better is a task in itself. I think the main issue is the gap between skilled players and unskilled players. Not understanding even one part of the game makes or breaks your match, and each and every one of those parts is massively game breaking, and the game isn’t very forgiving. This is part of the issue IMO as well, but that’s structural and unlikely to change.

Its cause in casual 3v3 you play stuff like WP Skaarf, WP Samuel, CP Saw, CP Glaive, Proc Catherine, etc. Sure, its fun to play, but its definitely limiting how consistently you win. You’ve got a 53% WR in Casual 3v3 when you are vsing t4s and t5s. If you start winning most games against these tiers, you will be matched with people your tier.
Consistent play = Consistent Match Making.
Don’t expect matchmaking to be good when one match you play perfectly and the other match you troll with first t3 item as Journey boots on Grace.

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Thanks for taking the time to do an analysis, however…

With the exception of WP Skaarf, those are all very viable builds.
Ironically, I won the WP Skaarf match (though I’m not claiming credit for it). If you look at that match, I had 2x VG bronze on my team, while the other team had 1x PoA, 1x CT and I don’t even know what that other rank is.
That’s just as bonkers as the other MM-results, except stacked in my favour.

And: You are mixing up cause and effect. Yes, I do lose a lot more matches than I should due to being uncooperative with toxic players.
You think you are seeing match-making that is the result of my performance, while in fact my performance is a direct result of the matches I am being presented with.
My win-rate for summer 2018 is actually much lower due to that. It sits at around 42%, down from 45% in spring. That the lifetime record is still >50% is almost a miracle.

If you want to double-check this, have a look at the Casual statistics of VG players. I just did, and they are constantly being matched with and against people in the 1000-ranked-points-range, despite win-rates of >60%. (In other words: Performance has no impact whatsoever on Casual match-making. That’s the actual facts.)

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Welcome to VG where the matchmaker dosen’t even matter

Welcome to VG where we promote boosting and punish VG soloq who demonstrate real skill.

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lol Agreed with @Wali. WP Skaarf is actually highly viable if you pick your items precisely. Remeber his fan the flames can crit and att speed combined with a proper hybrid build can make WP Skaarf an effective peeler.

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