Ylva for Glory?

Anybody know when Ylva will be available for glory? I’ve finally got enough saved up to buy her …

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that grind for glory sure is hard huh


I’m highly assuming she’ll be available for glory at the usual in-app day reset (4PM PST) today, considering that’s when the sale “event” on her ends.


Heh I see you being sarcastic while im over here with literally 8079 glory left saved for buying her :alphabarf:

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I’m sitting at 15k glory atm and haven’t bought Magnus cause he dumb. I’ll prolly get him when I hit 16k tho.

I got Magnus in a chest, surprisingly. The only heroes I don’t have right now are Tony and Ylva. And I hate Tony.


Really? I’ve found him to be the only really rewarding decently high skill cap crowd control frontline besides Lance. I’d pick tony being meta any day over Yates or Cath.

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I actually like nothing about him at all: not his concept, his skins, his voice lines, his play style … just nothing at all appealing to me. But that’s just me – brawlers are NOT my style at all.

With One Exception

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Seems like I was right, she’s up for glory now!


Perfect! :thumbs3:

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Welp hit 16k, Ylva got released, so I once again have every hero

Coincidentally I got Tony in a chest the day he was released… Had been saving my mystery key for the update and I got him.

I got no idea how to build her

High skill cap… I don’t find Tony to requiere much skill to use him.

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Send help


Try banner into rushing journey boots. Then you go SB, TB, BP, block when/if you need one. Then finish defense or SM then the other one. So far with this build I’ve played 32 games. I have 26 wins and 6 losses. Also I wasn’t smurfing, most of those games are in VG silver and some in VG bronze. So I’d say she’s pretty damn good to be honest. I think I have the highest win rate on her and at the same time I have like 20 games more on her than any other hero this patch. I think overall I had 4 bad games on her and all of them were wins. The games I lost I still wasn’t doing bad. She’s just so solid.

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Tanks tend to lower skill cap in general, Tony is easily the highest besides lance because of the combo potential, difficulty in properly using his ult, and heroic perk management. It’s quite possible with a Tony with good game knowledge to really flex on the enemy and show his prowess, something you really don’t see with Yates, Cath, or even Grace.

Tony’s combos are not very hard to use, his stuns are absurdly easy to land, and his taun almost the same, the only skill requiere his kit has is his ult. For me Tony is a braindead hero.

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