Why do people play 5v5?

Are you comparing visual skill tier? MMR is hidden. Every example you gave is simply false. You don’t know the tiers of these people. Now I personally am against the use of visual tier FOR THIS VERY REASON, but you can’t suggest imbalance in tier when you quite literally don’t know the tiers of the people playing.

Also accusing me of whiteknighting is so ridiculous. Right now there is a thread on these forums, that I have liked and responded to, which has EXCELLENT critique of 5v5. I suggest you go re-read your OP, re-read what you just wrote, and realize you are toxic, you aren’t enjoying 5v5, so stop playing it for a bit, and stop complaining about it outside of the salt mine. Then go read that other thread (again if you already have) and see what a constructive thread looks like.

You haven’t furthered the discussion about the mode at all. Like literally, this thread is comprised of you complaining, offering nothing int he way of solutions, you don’t define the problems, and continue to say “it’s not fun”. I mean am I REALLY a whiteknight for saying “oh you’re not having fun, maybe quit the thing that’s not fun for you”?

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I play it bc I can now play with 4 friends instead of 2 :slight_smile:

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I like the game mode in itself.
The matchmaker is the dealbreaker.

I like your thread idea in itself.
The salt and non helpful nature of the post is the dealbreaker.


There is some info on matchmaking and how it is and has been tuned here: https://vgforums.net/t/5v5-matchmaker-further-improvements/1733

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you can just blitzbot… you know…

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The title should be: why do trolls play 5v5… honestly if you cbF playing, why even bother?

5v5 has as many trolls as before 5v5… its not diluted like i expected.

im on an insane losing streak… longest i’ve ever had… afk’ers… feeders… it just doesn’t end.

its litterally every single game. what happened to all my “normal” games ?

why don’t people upvote /downvote anymore… its the only way to keep trolls in LPQ… i used to get “a player you reported has been banned” litterally 10 times per day… now I’m lucky to see it once per day…

that doesn’t mean toxicity has gone down… it just means people stopped voting… making toxicity even worse than before~!!!


It is because if you downvote too often your votes have less weight.

Semc believes a low amount of people are trolling.
We need a feeding downvote like we used to have. This player is actively feeding. That is not trolling nor unskilled…

And LPQ is a joke right now I hope 5v5 ranked will have a better anti troll system and no bots taking over. Bots are feeders too and if someone DCs he comes back to an account that fed the enemy…

i honestly upvote more than i downvote. I don’t know what they did… but i know for a fact my votes carried ALOT of weight before 5v5…

no joke, i would recieve “a player you reported has been banned”… a minimum of 10 times per day… and i would get at least 4-5 upvotes per match…

now i’m lucky to get 1 upvote per match… meaning nobody is voting… most of the time it’s zero votes, and i’m always the one to fight to the bitter end…

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I think there is an MMR in 5v5 and I suspect it’s going to dictate the level you start at when rank starts.

I’ve been mostly matching with POA/VG players with the occasional noob, it’s certainly improved.

What I have noticed is that if your jungler is poor you’ll be in trouble. I’d go as far as to say the jungle and the roam are the most important positions in 5v5.


I usually get players arround 1500 but sometimes also 2600 all in the same match…

It looks random as can be and it annoys the hell out of me.

I think I’ll main CP Baptiste since he has a very high impact in 5v5

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Yeah. I see these people on both sides… I enjoy duo the most though, you have good chemistry and can influence games a lot.

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Are you rating the matches as well? I wonder if that might bring to light the problems beyond the up/down votes?

When you’re playing with 4 other friends on discord, yelling at each other and having fun… what else could one ask for?

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10vs10, for double the yelling?

Though I would have to question the dedication of any VG player with that many friends.

yes i am. i rate accordingly. but after 5v5 dropped, i need to hit that rating button like 10 times for it to register… sensitivity is off the charts… i need to hit that button on exactly the perfect angle and tap it for exactly the right amount of time… too fast, no go… to long, no go…

it’s like it doesn’t want me to rate it… anyone else experiencing this?


not only the rating button, it’s most buttons for me. My fingers are thin too, it’s not like it can register I’m tapping a large area.

For me, it only works if I hold down my finger on the star. If I try to tap it, the rating window closes instead. 'makes no sense at all.

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Yes its bugged and known hopefully fixed “soon”.

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