Why do people choose Vox for mid lane?

he has strong wave clear… the most important early game is farming so i think he is viable. plus his range is far when u use him right

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I was just meaning as an in general (then you’re talking about…), apologies, i wasn’t meaning you specifically were talking about…

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I think this is like saying why you picking jungle Celeste in 3v3
Wp vox out shining cp vox for a long time , because of his cheap build and early pressure , just like when Celeste be the jungler in 3v3 to get xp fast and because cp lane is weak , so once cp lane in 3v3 be viable and stronger Celeste will be played lane , but I can’t call someone playing her lane bad , because she could lane but she still late game hero so it’s difficult if you being under pressure but could work , not bad pick !

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I’m not the best person to comment, but CP Vox should see an uptick in play. The energy nerfs to him are minor. Items like AC, BM received comparatively less nerfs than other items. There seems to be a lot of tanky dive comps out there, Fortress/Flicker with WP Ardan/Lance/Glaive and Vox has a slow, silence, and escape. His level 1 clear speed has always been good and with extra lane creeps, mid might be his best spot. AC heroes are always gold hungry.

Honestly, Vox is one of my favorite mid laners. The sheer amount of bullying made possible by bounces punishes the enemy mid for trying to trade hits or stepping too far forward. Any half decent Vox can A out of Lyra sigil, Cel’s helio, Baron’s mortars, or Skaarfs anything. The only mid laner that can “Vox” better than Vox can is Varya.

Also, Vox can outrange most ranged carries with his bounces. This is especially true in early game, not late game, as he drops off a bit with 1v1s to enemy laners with larger ranges. For example, Cel’s Helio when overdriven. However, he makes up for this with his late game power spike and the grouping effect of 5v5.

He maintains the range advantage even in late game, the difference is that in late game its harder to abuse.

A CP Vox with good positioning and knowledge of how to Control, spread, and, Apply damage with Renasonce bounces is just plain sicK. So annoying to lane against in mid with Captins staying in mid more due to increase in gold availability there.