Who else can't wait for ranked 5v5?

Level of players in 5v5 is very low, so that’s kinda the reason I wait for ranked

I need u in my party then cause I always seem to at least have a couple potatoes

Yea 5v5 casual matchmaking is unbalanced in terms of MMR, same goes with 3v3 casual. I guess SEMC just thinks its ok for higher elos to pub stomp others in casual if they match up with lower tiers. Only reason we never complained about 3v3 casual is that it never showed our rank badge unless we looked on a 3rd party website.

I know you are talking about the balancing. 5v5 is still in beta and balancing is far from complete for both 5v5 and 3v3

Given the number with access the choice is:
Unbalanced matches or waiting for an hour for a more balanced match.

I’m totally on board with waiting an hour for a good match, especially given the quality of matches in 3v3 ranked.

Yeah, especially when we consider players region, different time to play and so on, the actual players are low in number. That’s the reason to not have strict matchmaking and to end up with unbalanced matches. It’s ok tho, unranked and early access for testing.