What the ...?

SEMC, fix your :new_poop:


Not being able to claim the sunlight rewards at all is nice as well.


Looks like they pulled the trigger on the event too early, as it should have been up tomorrow. The mode and it’s event page are no longer up. GG SEMC. All I’m hoping for is that I don’t face the bug that prevents me from claiming the sunlight again. I kinda prefer to not grind out 5 extra levels within 2 weeks for something that’s out of my control.

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Ok I played some One for all, now it’s removed though lol. SEMC messed up.

Anyway here’s some info. Available heroes are Koshka, Reza, Idris, San Feng and possible more (that’s what I got). And the event is always mirrored apparently.

San Feng looked like the most boring matchup as nobody would ever die but in reality it was so much fun. We had party of 3 and chaining those ults is kinda funny. Makes you wonder who you’re facing though when they don’t overdrive their A and B.


Anka was also in OFA this week


So I played about 4 hours ago, so I’m assuming they took it down and put it up again. Got Anka.

Also I was having difficulty collecting my rewards, had to close the app and reopen it to see the rewards page.

Yeah, it’s back up now, as One for All. I’ve played two matches, and as usual, they were awful. Got Koshka twice, and in each match, a couple of people started trashing the entire team almost immediately in chat. Also, in both matches I was with mostly pretty inexperienced players (at least based on their play) and up against much higher skilled enemies (I recognized several from previous matches).

Coupled with the un-fun hero selection, the glacial pace of playing on the 5v5 map, and the usual unbalanced matches, I find One for All a miserable experience.

Back to Rumble for me.

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Rumble is definitely the most fun gamemode atm. Honestly nothing’s better then sending down an Anvil’s Hammer when the whole team of enemies is grouped around an objective.

However, Anka was quite fun. The amount of mass turret dives and how many hero models there are when you’ve got like 4 Anka’s ulting (and you have no idea which ones are going to jump back to which Anka) is mental.

Still not really a fan of mirror matches tho.

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Totally agreed about mirror matches. They should be random not forced. I mean if they give us Reza or Bf and Baron in the same rotation that’s kinda stupid too but they can make it only ADCs, only mages, only assassins etc.

Also about Reza, he’s so boring (not the hero, he’s one of my favorites) in the mode. After his rework (?) it’s so boring to get him. There’s no variety in the builds and he 2 shot kills anyone. You either have more damage or you die. In my opinion this change to his damage made him much worse (not in meta) as he’s less fun to play and so much more annoying to face because of the 2 shot kills.


Agree, there are other heroes that were destroyed by SEMC as “fun to play” - bf, idris, reim, kestrel to name a few.