What do you think Tony's role is going to be in 5v5?

From the looks of it, he’ll be somewhat of a tank. I wonder if he’s going to be mostly used for a jungler, or a captain? It doesn’t look like he’ll be a laner, but I could be wrong. I plan on buying him on day 1 because I expect him to be OP.


I would say jungler. He makes some pretty bad decisions in his lore… so definitely not captain.

He’s not brave enough to be a carry… so that leaves Jungler… which we all know is a flexible role… so we all win :wink:


Most likely jungler. His ganking seems very good with his A ability launching him to enemies 3 times and drop kicking them and using “no u” combacks to literally kill people which is great.

-“You’re a bad jungler and cannot be meta”
-“no u”
-A C E D


Frontline tank chaser. He will most likely play like Lance in that regard.

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I saw any ability leak and he has a taunt ability, and looks like he’s a traditional tank.

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I think that I saw the same leak. His abilities seems very useful during a teamfight.

Yes. If he has a taunt I’ll definitely play him. I like tank roles.

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Imagine taunting plus Lorelai Ult, ardan Barrier, grace spike heal. Come at me I dare you lmao

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Oh man, this is gonna be so much fun at first lol, especially when no one knows how to play against him!

I don’t know if he’ll be a jungler or tank. But what I do know is


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Ok, off topic, but how did you get that font?

based on the leaks his a tanky warrior.

Use these^