What do you think SEMC should focus on next?

1.- A progression system (top priority)
2.- Balancing: Gwen, CP Vox, Taka (almost always ban), koshka (i heard she is still op).
3.- New heroes (it’s been a looong time)
4.- Match making
5.- Servers (lag op, specially in 5v5)
6.- deals (no more RNG)
7.- BF (he is no longer fun to play)
And… that’s it.

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5v5 refinement, including the introduction of ranked 5v5 is the only thing they should be working on IMO. Ask us again once 5v5 ranked comes out and I think I’ll have a more interesting answer.

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Not sure if joking???

Classic captain=dead mostly…

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CP BF is still great.

5v5 lagg is horrid indeed.

I agree with the rest also…

I’m not saying BF is bad, he is good actually, but he is boring too :frowning:

I find timing his skill chains exhilarating actually.
When you use your Rose offense to block incoming cc at the exact timing required and then follow up with B then A and a C out straight through the enemies can feel very rewarding.

Rewarding, but not fun. BF kit was designed to outplay, they’ve been removing this, to the point that he is no longer the “counter of all master of none” he was intended to be, his kit has nothing interesting or new, instead of nerfing, they have systematically deleting parts of his kit, resulting in the lost of interesting gameplay.


RIP Rose Trail.

The blood trail on his SE skin looked so cool.
I cry everytime I remember that.

I’m just waiting for them to release a skin or hero or some shit who has some animation which includes the ground being marked similar to rose trail. I’ve seen devs chalk the removal of rose trail off as a necessity to increase performance as it caused some issues.

Once they release that kinda thing… Gonna RIOT! I want it back! Scale down the goddamn speed boost if needed. But need the trail back.

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I’d argue he isn’t rewarding either. None of the WP Assassins are. Now that they’ve changed his execute to not scale, they’ve made him much more one note, and frankly, his late game is pretty bad now. A good BF can generally tell whether they’re going to do well within the first three minutes of a game; and if they know they’re going to do badly (e.g. Bad matchup, getting camped, ect.), it suuuuuuucks. Sure, if you can get ahead, you’re a monster but like…

Now that I’ve played WP Grace, I wonder what the point of WP BF even is. She’s genuinely a better WP Assassin than BF, Idris or Taka because she’s so tanky and that she can fall back onto her heals and CC if she falls behind. There’s almost no risk to playing her, especially considering her early game dominance. Who even needs mobility?

I’ll say it now and I’ll say it again. WP Assassins need to be reworked, particularly Taka and BF. Idris can be fine if he has the right amount of damage, but he could do with a mini rework too.


Finish all jungle monsters for 5v5
New Heroes
More skins

UI improvements and moar heroes, maybe two each patch if possible