What are you for Halloween?

I’ll be dressing up as an eggplant emoji this year so thats fun


i’ll be dressed up as a disappointment
so just a regular getup for me, my neighborhood doesnt celebrate halloween much anyways :frowning:


You know I had to do it to DIO

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What shocked you? Funny because I’ve grown my hair out since the face reveal

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Honestly, I pictured a majority of the forums as middle aged white men, including you two


I felt like I was one of the most immature forumers lol, especially in the early days. I made so many awful threads and useless arguments. I was really surprised I was never banned in the forums, I got warnings but I never let those mods get me haha!

Most of the forumers turned out to look like how I expected. I was honestly surprised by some of the older people.

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Honestly speaking , I dont have any idea about it, but I suggest something creepy and horror, like last year I dressed-up a demon so I really want something like this, this year I will dress up Dark Northern King costume, I bought it from The Halloween Spot Coupons, so I suggest you do something like this.