Weapon Kestrel is a horrible WP carry

Her B has almost as much as SAWs AAs. Even then he’s literally as fast as a turret. Not a big deal moving to him and again if he’s respecting her presence and not pushing it’s a win for her.

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Idk, I’m yet to see a Rona doing well against saw, but it’s not like I see them.

I mean the point of the initial post about her was that now she’s trash. I was talking when she was actually viable. Now I can believe she would be bad against him.

Last time she was strong she was broken.

But there has been changes and the tables have been turned.

They Niv actually reverted the changes back to how she was before and she barely moved on the charts.

Yes but how long was kindred unplayable in LoL? There are champions in that game I haven’t seen since season 6. It’s just more noticeable in VG cause we have less heroes. They can’t do everything.

I do see what you’re saying tho. And you’re right, hero balance isn’t as good as it could be.

Luckly all the heros I play are still viable (adc) : ^)

The only use of kestrel atm is blitz/br lol. Although if you see, pros like spaghetti destroy with her like he used to a year back.

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Can we talk on how Kestrel still has a 200wp cap for her instant invisibility. I mean WP was reduced across the board for all items and even Idris had his wp cap to unlock his passive reduced. Did SEMC simply forget about her?

And not to mention her ridiculously slow movement speed and all the while the game gets more saturated with mobile heroes.

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I mean you can try to ask in a kind manner to HipsterSkaarf and if he thinks its something that needs to be looked at, then he would report it to the dev team.

I mean Im just guessing.

I agree, she needs to have some changes done because she is outclassed by every other WP carry and her CP path is too risky with all the CD and item changes.


I didn’t know HipsterSkaarf could do that. Thanks

@HipsterSkaarf could pls tell the dev team to reduce the WP and even the CP cap for Kestrels instant and permanent invisibility since items have been changed.