VGPRO.GG - One For All Not Registering

Does anyone know or can anyone contact the creators of the site?

Pierre Ortega, AngeloCant1, Skillz4Killz, and Vyzeok are responsible for the site and it’s algorithm. It does not appear to pick up on wins, matches, KDA from the one for all/new seasonal brawl modes. They take into account it seems any PVP game (blitz, BR/now AROL and casual in addition to ranked). I could use the confident booster after winning several one for alls. Been a rough start to the season! Bummer not to see win % or KDA impacted by those games.

Can anyone contact them (I don’t have twitter, which is what contact information is given for them on the site) to let them know about this?


The new brawl modes (including One for All) aren’t available in the Vainglory API, so no site is going to be able to show any data for those.

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Thank you for the explanation. Still fun to get the sunlight. Now level 13. Overall, Battle Pass is working out fine!

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Yeah that pass is paying for itself in my eyes. Lots of goodies, get more ICE back than you put in and they are giving us loads of sunlight.