VG said Yeehaw

cowboy showdown… there can only be one…

(he won)

still dk where vg s***posts go but it’s a game moment ?


They really did rip Ringo a new hole when they put those B nerfs in place…

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I don’t use ringo but his hot upper toned defined-squed body can get me anytime.


Someone is a lil thirsty. :potoo:



the skin is the only reason I still occasionally play Ringo ngl


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I don’t use him but i bought his skin. It’s worthy

Yep, they hit THE ONLY part of his kit that made him somewhat viable. Even after the recent changes it’s still worse than before and ringo actually kinda on the line of viable (i.e. not a troll pick, but a bad peak even for experienced with him people that knows how to stutterstep).

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Yeah Ringo is pretty meh. I would like to see his kit get a little love beyond a numbers revert. Would be cool to see his Ult given some relevance on his WP path beyond high base damage. For example bonus WP damage when attacking burning target, and maybe built in missing HP damage on impact. That way the r would be a choice between using it as a engage, or finisher which could introduce a little more skill and strategy to his kit beyond just stutter stepping.