Well, this is what game I got with 1m que time. No name hiding as there is no shame here - everyone gave what he got and tried. The enemy team was a full party and as you can see - t10 silvers. The game pairs the soloq team you see with VG t10 silver full party. This should not happen even if the party waits 300 minutes.
I was the support, tho when I saw how it’s going south, I build thus the kills.
Sorry to hear that , notice that we keep improving our matching system from time to time , I would suggest you joining a guild finding players that could party and play with you .
Support team
This is the game logic , they have no players for party vs party and they suggest you to party and fight fire with fire , soloq is for the yolo , if you care party .
The most funny part is that I played right after 3 more games with t10 in the teams. So the matchmaker got the chance to put atleast a t10 soloq team vs that full party, but was tuned to do that instead.
Sorry to hear that you have no friends that’s sad , we encourage you to play more and add friends and search for guilds in game , we are fixing the in game chat as we speaking so expect it’s going to be done in update 7.0 , if you couldn’t find friends you can add me XxSAWotpxX I feed all the time but I’ll try my best .