Vainglory'd be better if it was a 6v6 not a 5v5 game

I thought you said you quit the game?

Managing the size of the map is part of the skill involved in playing 5v5 with success. On the Fold, efficient farming was the key to victory, but on the Rise, time is the most important resource. Specifically, you can’t waste it. You have to learn how to manage your rotations, how to read lane developments a couple moves ahead, and how to predict enemy movements and pressure points, so you can be at the right place at the right time. If you’re wasting seconds catching up to teamfights or scrambling to turrets that are being destroyed by minion waves or you can never get to a lane in time for a gank, then you’re either getting outplayed or you’re approaching the match incorrectly. I don’t think we need extra heroes or extra camps. I think players just need to understand how the mode works, and what the proper strategies are.


I’ll wait till I finish my final exam.

Heroes in VG are too slow for rotations. Skills may be there but rotations can’t be made in time since our heroes are too slow.

Counterpoint: No, they’re not.

Predict where you will be needed, and you’ll get there at the right time. Even better, predict which objective you can get to before the enemy, and you’ll take it before they can stop you. Do that enough, and you’ll win.


Agree with this (and your previous post) wholeheartedly.

Most players (myself included) initially approached 5v5 as just a bigger 3v3 and tried to adapt the strategies that worked in 3v3 to the new mode. And then discovered that it didn’t work, producing the natural reaction that something must be wrong with the new mode.

This might be the most useful single sentence I’ve ever read about 5v5.

5v5 is not just a bigger 3v3.


It’s my inner idmonfish lol - I’m sure he’s said something like this before, but I can’t remember where!


I believe experience (exp) is the most valuable currency in 5v5.

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Just to add, they deliberately made 5v5 in such a way that it forces you to decide which place you are most needed. It’s a odd number. Somebody will be alone, somebody will need help. Somebody will get ganked.

It’s not meant to be balanced per lane or jungle, it’s those decisions you make that adds to the strategy, depth and tactician like plays. Those clutch moments that saved the day, or luck escapes.

The map is perfectly suited for 5v5.


lol I used to think heroes were too slow too. then i discovered the river and boots.


What I find so funny about all this is moba was created on a 4v4 3 lane concept which was changed into 5v5 along with adding jungles. Played like that for years even blew up as 5v5 and now this guy thinks it is too hard.

You are good.

I said it on reddit I think arguing with VaingloriousReim.

“The first thing I said to Renegades when I was preparing them for the show matches was - forget the idea that this is “my lane”, “my jungle” and that it is sacrosanct and must be held for just me. All the farm on the map is team farm and anyone who is near it can take it if it is beneficial for the team.
A jungler who just rotates through the jungle clearing camps is a jungler who is largely useless in 5v5. They provide no lane pressure, they don’t help the team and half the time the enemy jungle or laners will come in and steal that precious farm you were reserving. Likewise if your support is at the turret and you have ported home, they can clear the wave and thats not a bad thing. Ditto if your jungler ganks the lane and pushes off the enemy laner - if they take a few minions while they are pushing the lane in to the turret thats fine.
Gold is not the precious currency of 5v5 - time is the precious currency. Anything that is left to sit, that isn’t shoved in etc is a waste of valuable team time - if your lane is pushed go help another.

The basic issue is this - if the jungler gets all “his jungle” then he will have no time to do anything but rotate through the jungle - so he will barely contribute to the lane battles. If one team is letting their bot and top laners take the healing treants they will quickly develop a level advantage over the other team which makes it more than likely they will win their lane and/or be able to regularly invade and steal the enemy healing treants cementing that level and gold advantage. This is further compounded if the bot laner gets the wp buff and the other team doesn’t take that - basically to give your jungler their “jungle” you are probably sacrificing both top and bottom lanes, and that jungle that the laners were “stealing” will be stolen anyway but by the other team because of the advantage you handed them.
What the jungler needs to do well in a rotation is to maximise their ambient gold income - and likewise maximise the ambient gold of their team - gold toad and the main buffs should very rarely be taken by only one person - thats quite wasteful.”


It’s all about rotations like others say and map awareness. Keeping a eye on the map where everyone is what they are doing is really helpful. You really to take a different approach then 3v3 which is fine in my book. Knowing that I’m not always protect like I am in 3v3 is yeah sure kinda scary. But if I know the enemy isn’t protect always either then its all about trades. You don’t have to win a fight right away you can do damage little by little until you know you can win a fight. If you can’t then your jungler or captain should rotate to help gank. That’s why there is a river buff, to help get there asap. Captains should be in mid first before anywhere else because of the river buff helps them get to where they need to be. I also personally where I play roam or carry, get tier 2 boots as soon as I can. 5v5 can be really fun, with he cp and wp buffs heroes that just do okay in 3v3 can be major meta in 5v5. Look at joule, she isn’t the highest in 3v3 but every 5v5 rank match so that I’ve played shes in. She has good trade potential because her passive and those buffs really help that out. Just get a team and work on a different way of playing for 5v5.

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I got map awareness and stuffs but my teammates are braindead. How can u soloq in SEA?

Srsly whnever i play gwen and my lane is safe i go roam and help other lanes and get to my lane like im “fuckin fast boi” even on t1 boots gwen is freaking fast. So yeah i agree to this

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Idk about SEA but I soloq in NA alk the time and it’s not horrible. It’s not the best, but it’s manageable. And @idmonfish hit the nail on the head in terms of the biggest problem I find in 5v5: junglers who don’t rotate. It was bad enough in 3v3 but in 5v5 it’s one of the biggest game-losers.


Easy you either soloq and become adaptable to your teammates and enemy improving your overall skill or you team up and focus on mechanical

I agree that vg’s heroes are way too slow in 5v5 map even using journey boots.


Hold on, you’re saying increase lane security by throwing in another jungler to help protect from ganks?

At least at the moment if I see the jungler pop up on the otherwise of the screen I know I’m safe to overextend, if there were two junglers your not safer your actually at more risk of being ganked. You’re going to force all laners to turtle up under their turrets, and I think it’ll extend the game time as pushing is going to be a lot harder.