Vainglory needs a complete overhaul with new system and changes and today let's have a gathering of ideas for the game

Then well, good luck I guess. I’ll go now and see VG’s future. I’ll personally close this don’t worry.

I, for one, am shocked at the outcome of this thread


No, that would destroy 3v3, even if it’s not p2w, talents were a horrible idea.

I almost died laughing.
K Mr.Savior

You should post your ideas on reddit, im sure everyone will agree with you.

Anyways I think thats the last time i’ll respond to said person cuz its not my forte to be this negative :sneezing_face:

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Major props for your new pfp!!!


i saw @RSerperior with the summer skin ( and you) so I had to join in on the fun.


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