Vainglory is unplayable

And the higher you are the more chances it’s a smurf. Currently high players tend to have multiple smurfs (for example L3oN had ~20 smurfs).

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And what about that LiuLiu guy? I just wish there was a bit more dev moderation on this kind of thing. I’m one of the few that doesn’t have a 5v5 badge nor is a Smurf.

I’m not in NA, so I can only talk about EU. They don’t make them to destroy worse players. There is another reason:

This is the reason. According to L3oN, he has to make those accounts to have a mid quality match. That’s also the reason why he no longer grinds elo, and the same reason why Hundor once he has enough glory for the next hero and it’s VG gold he stops playing in his main account.

LuluXiu has 6 accounts at VG Gold LMFAO. The guys actually a legend and basically gets detected by the smurf system so he ends up skipping all the way to hotness and gets the Elo boost the only time. As well as pure SoloQ.

That makes sense. All I can say is I give a lot of props and respect to the folks who stick with one account.

Given that not doing so at those levels means he will be destroying worse players, i prefer them to make smurfs to fight those of their elo. In fact, i have more respect for those who do It due to the dedication It takes to make over 20 accounts just to make better the experience of both them and the worse players.

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This is not true, they will destroy a lot of games till they get up to VG silver. Then it will be 50/50 if they will get another silver/high bronze player in the enemy team for their spot. After that they will abandon and again destroy a lot of games for a lot of players (every match with such a player is 9 people ruined one. Enemy team feels useless when 1 enemy player 1vs5 them, his team feels useless too as they can stop playing and still win).

Edit: Silvers/golds complain as they are paired with us “the t10 bronze noobs” and they count the 2550 elo ones as “no names” too.

No, there is an anti smurf system, smurfs will climb a lot faster than a normal one, and what they dont want is to reach silver as they would face the same problem. Doing smurfs they will destroy worse players for… 5-6 matches? Not doing that would destroy them every time they play, and given that some of them play for +6 hours a day, destroying 6 matches is better.

Your logic is flawed. Firstly, it will be not 5-6, it will be 20+ matches and guess what will happen when then? Then will play 2 good matches and create a new account as “it’s not fun anymore”.

The only solution is in SEMC hands, not the players. Players that are a lot better than the rest exist and will exist in any game, even the dumbest/simplest ones. Those players will always destroy and I can’t see how it’s more fun to play with t5 players vs 2550 elo t10 players, that ofc for the silvers/golds are noobs, ofc and really are next to them. Not because they are weak, but because those X players are that much better than the rest. As they will play some t10 games and again need to create a new account anyway. I guarantee you that when you sum it up, they destroy a lot more matches and worse - few for starting players and I can tell you (as I was one of them in the past) - it’s not fun to get a smurf in your game and you “curse” him. 1vs3 when you are t8 and back in the 3vs3 days that was more than most of the VG bronze nowdays - this is no fun or balanced, it’s frustrating someone to shred your whole team in ranked game.

Other way is forcing more casual games till the rank is calculated and then slap those smurfs directly into the t10 silver/gold with more aggressive +/- elo to drop them fast if the system is wrong. That would need a lot bigger player base tho.

It doesnt take as much matches. Last time i created a smurf, It took me 3 matches to start being paired with VG players.

They will play a lot more, as the MMR wont scale as much.

Not in my experience, and clearly not in theirs as It would make no sense to do It otherwise as they get bored of fighting worse players.

I agree, ive suffered that too, but the matches they destroy with smurfs are less than with their main.

As I said, the problem is on SEMC hands as smurfing is never a good thing, NEVER. I play on one account from the start of the game and that is the single account I have created. Everything else is forbidden in the most games and for a reason. Justifying smurfing is wrong, especially when it comes from someone who did it/do it too. Players like me who doesn’t smurf (but are experienced and have friends that does it) - are kinda more validated to comment as we are on the “receiving end”.

Of course it sucks to play against a smurf but in my opinion every high tier player should have at least one. With the current state of casuals there is literally no way for you to practice new heroes or get better at positions you don’t play. Feeding on your main cause you never played mid lane or a certain meta hero is not an option

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I agree, but when the system doesnt work, you chose the best option.

In most other games MM is better.

Did It to play with friends when they started…

You think i havent faces that? At least 70% of the opponents i face are smurfs, the rare case is when someone isnt.

Even if they only play 2 matches (which is not true), thats 2 matches they havent destroyed vs destroying all matches, which is a net benefit. Is It good? No, not at all, but its the best option until SEMC decides to fix the high elo MM.

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The state of the MM is so bad right now.

No one is playing. Smurfs galore. Parties into soloQ

This game is basically in the toilet right now and quite frankly I hope they go bust so I have no choice but to delete it. Sooner the better

From a lot of moves semc has been making for quite some time, I’m fairly certain the original founders made a financial decision to prioritize cashing out on the game over making any more risky or bold moves, after the terrible economics the game was originally based on. This is reflected in what they prioritize over what they don’t, why newer invested-employees left/were pushed out, etc.

It is what it is. Of course they could have just made the core game better for all the things they spent time on that weren’t the core experience, but they still have the best foundation of a moba on the market.

And so people still play, despite the shortcomings and the clear loss of interest in being an industry leader on quality.

They have nothing tbh.

As far as mobile goes everyone other option has them beaten for player base. Who cares if a game is good when there is literally no one to play with? High ELO you’re screwed, low same boat.

PC this game is a laughing stock. Launched in a woeful state even though the entire alpha community cried out for the obvious.

I play because I’m basically an idiot. I have no legitimate reason to play this trash beyond refusing to let go of investment. More fool me and anyone who spends a penny on this game.


Going to close this soon, as it’s spiraling down into pointlessness.

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