Vainglory Heroes Voice Lines - Wiki


i couldnt really hear what he said in game (idk, VG on my phone plays way greater bg sound then the character’s voiceline), so i found this video

in sequence through the video he said:

Ebbat ikri velshibe ikri etwas(?) = you really want to know all?
Kio ido gekrad
ido ikro ust vod skiv f’ave = our body shall bring death
ikri vli ve shavod = everyone will not escape
Ebbat vod oeda = face the death
kha kha kha kha
vl’oede idam bastad = (you) will face the same fate/end
issa issa
kheh kheh kheh
Ebbat ikri velshibe ikri etwas(?)
Ebbet ikro ido = Speak (/tell) your name
babu edu buvad dlibu feshlu(?)
Ebbat vod oeda = face the death
Edu drovliz ikre skiv gekradaz = All secret worth to be known
vli f’ave ikri bebu
vl’oede idam bastad = (you) will face the same fate/end
heava ov vli ve shui? = darkness will not ???
ido, ikro ido skiv gekradaz(?) = name, shall know your name
vli voda = die!
ebut ikre idat ibuz(?) = we bring life to ??
vist ikre ibuz oeda (?) = these all ??
ikri ide edu idat = we give life/living

contributed to by @Aila
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