Issuing a Move Order:
- Ah, did you see that? What was that?
- I’ll sweep for targets. You clear the brush.
- There’s skittering things everywhere!
- Never stop in a kill sector.
- The Churn levels here are off the charts.
- This area should be excavated and studied, not trampled.
- This will all be gone a generation from now.
- I wish I knew the history of this place.
- This thing is fogging up.
- I don’t sweat.
- “ Let’s do something gutsy .” Be gutsy on your own time, pilot.
- Hahahahahaha
- Hahahahahahaha (light)
- Hmhmhmhmhmhm
Issuing an Attack Order:
- Just targets on a screen.
- This battleground is peaceful-from thirty thousand feet up.
- Target coordinates received.
- It smells terrible in here! I can only blame myself.
- Get some!
- I’m all about collateral damage.
- Nuke it from orbit.
- I’m gonna watch the replay on that.
- I appreciate intelligent enemies. Do you know any?
- Yes, I am wearing pants.
- Apex of modern engineering and I can’t play Vainglory on this visor.
- Strange looking minion. Oh, you’re a hero!
- Focus is good, but kill everything just in case.
- I’m always in position.
- I always win the staring game.
- You can’t see it, but I’m rolling my eyes.
- I know I’m handsome, but hey! Personal space.
- “I have a bogie on my tail.” I got your six.
- “Target locked.” Roger that target lock. Fire at will.
- This would make a great video game!
- You think this is cool? I can turn into a car.
- My rules aren’t meant to be broken. They’re meant to be rules.
- You should have brought an exosuit.
- If my visor is down, it means do not disturb.
- The minions at home are more handsome than these.
- I’d look amazing in slow-mo.
- Anyone of these people can teach me this magic thing?
- Ow ow pinch!
- Yes. I wear my sunglasses at night. So?
- There’s no getting rid of this wedgie.
- It would be tempting to never go home.
- Camouflage would have been a good idea.
- Nice-uh!
- “ It’s time to buzz the turret .” Standby for back up. Over.
- “ I’m not happy unless I’m going Mach 2 with my hair on fire .” You’re writing checks your body can’t cash.
- “ Well, I’ve lost that lovin’ feeling .” Now, it’s gone gone gone.
Receiving Damage:
- Agh
- Ogh
- Ooh
- Ah
- Aaah!
- Oh
Death :
- Face shield was down. Still handsome.
- Skye will know what to do.
- I’m smoked.
- State funerals are expensive.
- Man down.
- Ogh.
Placing a point in Ion Cannon for the first time:
- Casualties happen.
- You are the killzone.
Note: Italic text is Skye talking to Baron over voice comm