Toxicity - weekdays vs weekends

In 3v3 stealing the treant heal trigger junglers and the same for stealing farm in lane , I actually don’t care at all if my jungle or lane get stolen , because I think it’s better than enemy stealing it or turret taking it , I count it as a wasted gold I didn’t get and just try to do my best and win , but I actually get mad if my laner position bad or build breaking point shiver or eve against squishy heroes , like I prefer seeing burst damage if we are against squishy team there is no time to build breaking point or dragon eye stacks .

But I don’t troll or get mad and make my team lose , I do my best even if my team playing bad or trolling , but I do surrender , I don’t know if surrendering considered toxic or not , but I actually sometimes spam surrender if I see no hope of coming back , I had a game in 5v5 only a guy was good and he was playing baron the game looked bad and we going to lose but I actually see hope in that game so I rejected the surrenders because I believe on that baron his positioning was good and damage and everything he did was good , and we actually won 4v5 I would consider it 3v5 because the 4th is a troll just helped a little but the baron carried the game .

I think it depends on the situation, honestly. If there’s pretty much no chance for a comeback due to reasons like major gold/exp differences or toxic/afk allies, it’s fine imo. One of the main purposes of surrendering is preventing the inevitable from being prolonged, after all. If it’s purely out of salt over a single death or something, then that’s toxic.

Yeah but I see people in streams rejecting surrender and complaining like “stop surrendering people and play the game” while the game is impossible to win , I think it sometimes annoying when you just lose one fight then people start spamming surrender , but I actually have condition to surrender , like enemy is organized my team is not that’s check , enemy comp better another check , there is no focus on objective over fights that’s another check , then I see surrendering worth it .

SEA is losing its specialty of toxicity. But to compensate we have your occasional global 3000ms lagspikes.


Ahh yes lag compensation to bring back the salt to the rulers of salt east asia.

Is there a holiday tomorrow or something? I’ve had a string of toxic players in match after match this afternoon and evening. And I mean TOXIC: calling the whole team trash, telling people to quit VG, etc. I reported one guy and immediately got him in the next match, and he was just as toxic in that one too.

It’s patently obvious that the “block list” is garbage and does nothing.

Again, I wonder what these people are like in real life.

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