t5 is just one tier away from the starting point. no surprise here. the one thing semc cant control are the 9 other players in a game…
Do you understand how many matches it takes to get to lv10 along with 14 hereos.
SEMC has stated that they have used the 3v3 Ranked and the 5v5 Casual (mini-elo) to determine a player’s rank. This was chosen over a hard reset as it, like people have already pointed out, would be hell for veterans and new players alike. They wanted to have a player’s 5v5 rank align with their true skill, therefore (this is quite a stretch) your 5v5 elo should be about the same as your 3v3 elo.
Actually even if VG is the first 5v5 moba you’ve played, even if you have no idea what to do and what objectives do what, if you’re T10 (and not boosted) you’ll almost certainly win against lower ranked tiers because the skill gap between T10 and the rest is so high, and your pure mechanical skill and knowledge of the heroes you play will let you outtrade your laner and snowball your game to victory.
Trust me it’s not fun playing against T10B+ players. I was T8S before decay and reset, and I have been up against several T10 players in my 3v3 games and almost all of them have been painful curbstomps.