The balancing of Koshka

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It can still act as deterrent. It does damage when going cp and you can’t ignore it

It is very hard to land on a mobile hero. It has a delay and the aoe is smaller than all other aoe mages. It is also her only source of damage

The delay is super short if you are empowered. And placing pools strategically to get the amp when required is on the player’s part. Also with the amount of CC and CC negation she has… She doesn’t need much dmg as a Captain. She’s a zoning beast.

As a captain yes. As a 3v3 captain…

For 5v5 she is lackluster. Everyone and their mother has bigger damage zones than she does. She only has 1 damage skill compared to sam Celeste Skaarf Skye and all other CP users. She has the smallest damage zone of all. (Not true)

Skaarfs goop was originally bigger and that got a size increase because it was laughably small for 5v5.

They should do the same for her.

Her mage side needs a buff badly.

On closer inspection the damage zones are the other way around. Hers is bigger.

Inclined to agree, as a captain she’s struggling in 5v5. The map in 3v3 is smaller and her zoning more effective but in 5v5 the openness combined with dive heavy comps make it difficult for her.

I still believe hero’s like Koshka are her nenisis, they’re quick, have gap closures on short cooldowns and deal huge burst DMG.

She could be a decent hybrid laner.

I tried laning with her and got smashed because your damage is way too predictable and singular.
Fishpond didn’t kill? Okay no damage left until fishpond is up again…

Full captain focused on HP items plus 3 CP items would work though.

Fountain Crucible wartreads Clockwork aftershock/spellfire Broken Myth.

Though Adagio fits that Hybrid role much much better. He has the best of both worlds in his kit.

Adagio is very good, his early game is strong, hits like a truck and has great sustain along with huge range. Late game he can become a hybrid support throwing our heals and slows along with decent DMG.

Try her as a splitpusher, two fishfoods will destroy a turret in no time.

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This, captains, their kits, even the support items are designed for 3vs3… when you have 5 targets that deals dmg, stunning one of them for 1s or similar is doing next to nothing while in 3vs3 the impact was a lot bigger. Stun or silence the carry and it can be won fight. In 5vs5 that stun is just meh. The most skills are meh. As I main support, really, if you don’t build dmg items it’s boring and at the same time your impact is close to 0. Not to mention the “fun” to go from bot to top and down again.

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Indeed the singular stun of cath at melee range to ensure that 0.7 second stun on a carry. Meanwhile the 2 remaining carries and jungler collapse on you and you are dead. Your bubble gets bursted within a second and there is no defense against focus fire…

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Lorelai needs CP scaling on her empowered basic attacks. Lyra already has this so its not unreasonable. There needs to be a reason to overdrive Splashdown. I would raise its slow on overdrive from 25 to 30%. Lastly, her Waterwall currently has a duration as long as Vanguard but with a much higher cooldown. I would increase is duration scaled by level from a flat 4 to 4, 4.5, 5.

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Have to nerf the mobility. It’s just absurd at this point.