Teleport Boots need to be a core feature like the Flask, not an item, Contraption in 5v5 and SuperScout2000 in 3v3

It used to

it was gone by the time 5v5 was introduced, so how would the pros do it with teleport boots?

Actually it existed in 3.0 but after that it was removed. I did try that.

When your teleport boots are on CD you buy another boots item to refresh CD not the same. When the time has passed you buy teleport boots again.

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Even better let’s add these cool things that we can call sovereigns spells, which can heal, tp, allow you to flash a short distance and more. You get two of them at the start of the game and oh wait…

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You literally have no idea what you’re talking about. As others said, TB are SITUATIONAL as they should be. You just don’t want everyone to have TB. You just don’t.

The forums would appreciate you start to bother yourself a little bit into thinking before you come with one of your super duper ideas. It’s just a waste of time for everyone to read your posts only to realize that you don’t even bother to make some sense. It’s annoying. It’s exhausting. Stop.

Also, I don’t know why you keep this stuff. It will be never implemented in the game. Smec isn’t the best at listening to their playerbase, and they don’t have to be, whatsoever. If they were to do everything their players say game would be ded shortly.
Several well made suggestions with lots of effort are being ignored all the time, why would smec listen to you with your random nonsense?

It’s a waste of time for you and everyone else here. Quit it.

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