Taka Rework

30 characters…

I’m not saying who is better in a 1v1, I’m saying what ability is better in a 1v1 to show that just because it’s more useful in teamfight it needs a rework.

They have to give him his lifesteal back onto his perk again if they remove his healing. Its legit a wp nerf that makes Wp more unviable.

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We’re talking about the same thing o.o what ult is better in 1v1 or pinch situations o.o;

Now I’m confused lol.

She never builds FB, even if she does the ult is extremely easy to dodge outside of teamfight. It doesn’t deal minimal damage, it has a 150% crystal ratio and 400 damage.

Reminds me of old times when ppls used to say “he’s an Assassin and shouldn’t have heal”.

I mean, he shouldn’t have a heal, but to be fair, he used to have a lot more things in his passive.

O.o; I’ve seen a lot of Varyas with FB to help land her A easier and provide utility to the team if an enemy does get hit by the ult, be it chase or escape potential o.O; and it only does 200 dmg on the first hit with no slow meaning unless you walk in a straight line you’re not getting hit with the second unless he’s right on top of you with a B slow.

BUT back to Taka he does need some kinda healing in his kit. Agree with the perk heal. He practically has to put himself in the worst danger if he commits like krul and ozo. He needs sustain. Just not the ridiculousness that was his Kaku as cp.

Yeah, taka while more mobile, will be even weaker now without the heal (esp CP, the heal there was huge).

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FB in Varya? Not in higher tiers.

Taka will be now less toxic and healthier for the game, I don’t expect him to be strong or viable this patch, but SEMC has put the bases to make him good again without the frustrating part of his kit, which is good.

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Is it me or was someone drunk while making this “rework”? So we’ve got this basically 0% winrate hero unless facing brand new players. He’s an assassin that doesn’t deal damage. So how do we fix it? Increase his cooldown and nerf the ratio on his only damage ability!!! So if I don’t have stacks and use my ult at lvl 6 I have to wait half a minute to Xretsu again while Reza deals more damage with single A + AA. Seems cool. Kaiten is almost the same, a bit better but not really different. And the 1 thing Taka had to make up for his lack of damage, the sustain from B? Remove it! Now he not only can’t kill a target with his nerfed ult but he can’t live to try again either. Loving this change.


That’s a huge nerf. 5% means 25% decrease CD and it used to have 50% CD decrease. And they lowered CD on all his abilities so he basically just cancels out and there is no real change.

The changes are a lower WP ratio on his Ult, empowered autoattack appears .5 seconds faster at level 12 and he’s quick when he’s invis (which doesn’t matter because there is vision everywhere in 5v5). Not saying he should be immune to true vision but so you know that these buffs ain’t anything.

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Nope. Xretsu actually has longer CD now. It’s a nerf not a change. On every level as well. Especially first level. It’s 30 sec without stacks like what the hell?

Aren’t buffs unfortunately. Probably SEMC employees had no calculators or had a bet to nerf to most useless hero in the game and apparently lost it.

Exactly. His B is straight useless (not totally but) and is only for positioning…

I understand that if they are trying to make him more viable in one path (cp) but I hope thats not the main goal.

I mean…for some reason I’m just hoping he keeps his speed boost even when he’s not invisible. That would be the biggest saving grace out of all this. Other than that it is pretty much a nerf. They’ve got good ideas conceptually but the number changes have been rough around the edges since Zekent took over. I still prefer that over nonfactor number changes but I mean…yikes. 30 seconds on his only other att ability means cp taka definitely isn’t going to be much of a thing again.

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Does anyone see something wrong here?

Edit: Clue: X-Retsu lvl 1 is supposed to have 30 secs cooldown

Talking about speed I think they should change his identity to a speed demon-ish hero. Similar to Catherine rare talent he can just continues to stack speed from using his B and his empowered autos. It would be fun and would give him that “you can’t escape him” theme back without becoming unkillable if he gets ganked or you turn around.

They should honestly do his WP path some justice because it isn’t braindead or a two hit combo (unless you’re fed).

It’s wrong that it has 30 seconds CD to begin with… This here is next level troll from SEMC…

All good, they nerfed taka so bad, that it’s useless now. :slight_smile:
I noticed that his C is not only nerfed REALLY BAD as damage, but also they X2-X3 it’s cooldown. It’s really funny actually how hard they nerfed it. For me to the point of deletion from the game.

Taka had like 7-9 seconds cooldown on his C with CW back in the 3vs3 days AND a lot more damage. Nothing more to say, this is for me trolling from SEMC side and roflmao releasing skins for him like no tomorrow. Ridiculous and even before the incoming nerfs, I played him in casual and I can tell you for sure - he is sh*t bad even if you are good with him. Not just bad and not viable, he is in the so called “troll pick” category bad. (even as WP after they killed that too).