Taka after nerf is so powerless

True, sorry. Hey! the all powerful but ignored captain can!


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I’d be rah talking you if you played Taka, it’s not just her power nerfs, for me it’s the fact hes overly reliant on diving in. When done badly he gets blown up, easily…

Screenshot and report their ass for toxicity…

TLDR: Some Taka changes were pointless considering item nerfs (Stormcrown and Aftershock). Lower base damage and increase percentages is fine, making extra WP on perk scale with levels is a big no no. I don’t like it when Taka is overpowered either because I cringe every time I see someone do something bad and still kill with Taka. Requirements on Taka is not based on skills it is based on bad enemy rotations, mostly.

The Past
Well, if you want to dive you need to dive with something can’t just use C especially after the base damage nerfs. I played him 2500+ even when Stormcrown was useless and he felt pretty good. It’s a high tier match so there would be moments when I get shut down and crippled and there would be moments when I outfarm the enemy jungler to the point that he becomes useless. This was the beginning of Alpha’s initial wrath IIRC when VONC used Alpha and TSM lost (it was that update or the update before). It was fun as heck to just being able to outplay alpha early game and when you were able to maintain 5 stacks the double weapon blades would pull through. But I’m sure though that if Taka was in 5v5 during the time he would be extremely weak and overly reliant on snowballing. He is able to play with his invisibility in a smaller map which becomes rather difficult in 5v5 where you most likely lose invisibility before making it out alive. This was before update.

The Present
(5v5) Funny enough you can still get double weapon blade but no one realizes that the damage mostly comes from his perk when he is able to maintain 5 stacks. Too bad they nerfed that. They nerfed the storm items too so you can’t lane but if you’re smart enough you can invade enemy weapon treant with double weapon blades/banner and then do insane damage in lane, helps with clearing minions too. That sounds good and all but stormcrown is still good only problem being you need 3 damage items to actually get something going. So it is either SC + 3 damage items and one def OR 3 damage items + two def item. Go with the second build and you won’t ever be able to farm in lane or clear minions without the use of your abilities, which is ok but you mostly have single target capabilities so you’re probably better off smacking the enemy to get aggro from minions away from tower and wait for minions and tower to finish the enemy minions off (that was sarcasm but it still has a valid point to it, your minion clear will be trash). This is only a part of the problem I’m not gonna even bother going to detail with how 5v5 vision is so frequent.

(3v3) Haven’t played matches with Taka in there because in the couple of them that I played there was a Fortress or something that directly ruins Taka, so I played mostly Reza jungle with 10+ kills/3-5 deaths/a decent amount of assists (probably have to check for that one). I was duo queue with a captain though so maybe that terminates my analysis that people in 3v3 are boosted af but I was playing in POA silver with VG silver MMR and many people had recognizable names. If i get to play some 3v3 Taka I’ll have a final say for this part.

I feel like whoever did Taka forgot to think about how everything is gonna affect him.

-#1 Taka main who has killed many, his favorite hero