Summer event vague rewards

This picture clearly states rainbow tabby skaarf.

To finish 5 of those quests was a hell of a lot of work.

Did that even spend some ice on summer chests.

What did I get? A single duplicate summer skin aka some opals.

:rainbow: Rainbow tabby? Nowhere to be seen nor are you told how to unlock it. (It is a dropped chest which doesnā€™t show as a drop)

Worst event ever.

The idris event was better than thisā€¦

So I found the chest but it is just that its a chest I canā€™t open nor am I told how I can open it in the future. It is all vague.

They ahould have made the rainbow chest a reward when you finish so that you see that you got it.

Lack of clarityā€¦

it says rainbow tabby skaarf chest, which you get with the complete five challenges rewards.

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Where is this Mystical chest? And donā€™t tell mw its the 5% chance bullshit chestā€¦

That drop is available in the standard new content box at the same chance and same priceā€¦

probably in the inventory? i didnt do the event since i was busy all week, so idk. and no, iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s guaramteed, but you need 10 summer keys

Probably on the same screen as Bronze/Silver/Gold-Chests.

It is in the inventory they should have said soā€¦
Also know way of knowing how to obtain the key ughā€¦

Horrible ingame communication

Keys supposedly can be obtained by participating in events throughout summer.
The skin itself is exceptional, in terms of animations and stuff, but yeahā€¦ I didnā€™t even start trying. Thereā€™s only so much work Iā€™m willing to invest in a game.

So did you find the chest? If so, please edit the title of this thread ā€¦

Itā€™s ok to be salty, but itā€™s not ok to engage in slander ā€¦


Itā€™s astonishing because I was actually considering buying their BS summer chests to complete the 5 quests. Iā€™m so glad I didnā€™t. Luckily I remembered that Iā€™m trying to save my meager f2p ICE earnings for a battle pass some day and the Skaarf skin looks weird anyway (and after all that work itā€™s still only a CHANCE to get the skin :roll_eyes:)

is it really just a chance? iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s 100% chance to get it, or at least ive never seen anything saying its only a chance

Only way of knowing is getting that chest open.

Itā€™s 100% you will get the skin when opening that chest I think.

But is getting the key for it easyā€¦ That is the real questionā€¦

Properly not. 10 keys, maybe 10 days login inā€¦
Really I feel it really weird when we need 10 keys. Only people complete this event have the chestā€¦ so why giving summer keys? If you donā€™t have the Rainbow Chests, those keys are uselessā€¦

UNLESS, there would be an event which uses summer keys as currency. You donā€™t need to use those keys only for Rainbow Chests, you can use it to buy other thingsā€¦ Thatā€™s my guess. The worst probability is there would be a new chest called summer chest, acting like bronze/silver/gold chest and summer keys would be spawned randomly. Now RNG will f*ck all people participating in this event, and we should delete this game.

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This is what I fear most of all. Add a buy in when your luck is bad and it is a sick cash grabā€¦

Itā€™s an event reward so I hope no cash grabā€¦
If they make it into cash grabā€¦ itā€™s better just to delete the game.

P/:s but giving first 10 keys for people having Rainbow chest only and then make players win key by RNG or buy keys from shop; that idea is still OK.

I wish I took a screenshot of my news section now because I stg it said ā€œ+ a random Legendary BPā€ which was kind of the other reason I even did the quest besides the Tabby Skaarf chest.