Starqueen Celeste splash art reimagined

Hello! After exactly 22 hours and 32 mins, I have finally finished my Starqueen Celeste piece.
It was a reimagination of the official splash art.
Art style was heavily inspired by the League of Legends’s splash art style. Enjoy!

Please do like and retweet this same post on my twitter account. It helps a lot!
Starqueen Celeste Splash Art Reimagined (Twitter Link)


Thank you also for awarding me the “New User of the Month” badge. I really appreciate it!


That’s just fantastic!!! Celeste was the first hero I ever played in VG, and she’s still my favorite!


Aye that’s pretty clean. Nice job! :thumbs3:

EDIT: Did not even notice the detail on her staff!!! Amazing work holy hecc…I wish more devs were on this forum so that splash art artists would see some of this. Then again I assume you also put this on Twitter and Reddit


Shout out to everyone who joined during the same opening month who will never qualify :minions_ok:

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She is also one of my favorites. The way they designed her kit and character is very interesting.

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Yes of course. I try to reach out to people on different platforms as much as I can.
Thank you very much! I appreciate the awesome compliments you give. It is very motivating to continue dishing out content for the community.

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Amazing, would like ti have It in-game :confused:

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Great work right here! Nice! ^^

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When semc reworked the skin crafting system , I was about to craft the t2 and halfway to t3 , but they gave me blueprint and a lot of Essence , so I got this skin quick because it’s one of the best skins in the game , and your splash art is amazing :kraken_happy_t3:

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You called ???

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That’s a pretty cool piece, it’s making me want to pick up my storm Queen Celeste again.

(fun fact: Celeste was my first main and The Storm Queen tier III was the first tier III skin I ever got)

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Still salty :thumbs3:

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