I realize that y’all are hard at work and things may come at a later date but her are a few suggestions I’d like to add… (I’m viewing in mobile chrome)
- Display Post Count of a user in thread view
- Add members online at the bottom of the front page
- Add a thicker borerline under the category name to separate it from the threads
- Add a section in your profile to state which region you play Vainglory in
- Lower the 30 character minimum to something more reasonable
- Rather then having plain text at the top of page, use a banner with some sweet artwork instead to really catch a users eye
- Complete overhaul of the groups page for a more user friendly experience
- More background selections for users
- Add a tutorial page directly related to the forums and how to do certain actions such as changing your name.
- An actual quote button in mobile would be nice, highlighting text for the quote to show up seems like a neat idea but most users aren’t gonna assume that’s what needs to be done.
- Add a sub category in forum stuff for suggestions to keep an organized - done
- Possibly add the Forum Stats to the bottom of the front end page rather then the about me section
- Revamp the welcome message from the bot when first creating an account to a more helpful message with links to how-to tutorials for the forums.
- Revamp Category Descriptions, some of these are default descriptions and some could be worded better (I can go into more detail if needed)
- Profile Alignment in mobile view. It’s cluttered and could be way better!
- Make the reply box at the bottom with a thick outline so It can be seen clearly
Now I realize some of these may be already being worked on but I wanted to state it anyways. Once again, I’m am using a mobile device to view the forums. I may add more more to the list as I keep using the forums!